Plant Made Pharmaceuticals, PMP
Bio-engineering – the field of study that utilizes engineering techniques to improve the health and well being of people aka biomedical engineering– Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine & Allied Health.
Bio-Engineers in Bio-Pharmaceuticals
Research and development personnel of Pharmaceutical companies don’t just spend their time in laboratories or out in the field collecting samples. They can be found on plant farms that are specifically designated and segregated from the public. Let’s examine the world of ‘Biopharming for meds‘.
The farm may be growing alfalfa, corn, duckweed, rice, safflower, tomatoes and tobacco to name a few crops. These crops are used in bio-engineering for new drugs, to combat disease that afflicts people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.
Bio-engineering requires knowledge from a mix of studies like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and cell biology. These skills can also be utilized in other industries such as chemical engineering, agriculture, information technology and bio-robotics. Pathobio-technology refers to the exploitation and modification of pathogens or it’s compounds for beneficial effect.
The use of plants for medical research has found compounds that assist with integration, catalyzers, metabolizing, attachment, and, non-toxicity. It is the ease and edibility of the use and structure of the plants, for recombining and modification, that makes this science exciting and successful.
Exploring plant types
Plants such as the following have been manufactured by pharmaceutical companies for treatment of various illnesses ;
Papaver somniferum – Codeine, treatment of pain
Catharanthus roseus – Vinblastine, treatment of cancer.
Cinchonas officinalis – Quinine, treatment of malaria.
Hyoscyamus niger – Atropine, treatment of iritis, bradycardia.
Digitalis purpurea – Digitalis, treatment of heart conditions.
Beginnings of a Bio-Pharmaceutical Farm
Permission from the government is required by the pharmaceutical companies to open this sort of farm. An application for permits must be submitted. Inspections a few times a year are done. They are never de-regulated.
All equipment is dedicated, meaning that use is specific for the crops and farm only, and, never to be available for public use. These crops are confined for pharmaceutical use only. It is a very tightly controlled industry to maintain safety for both personnel and the public.
Journey into a Science career
A career in these areas of science would be exciting and highly recommended, if you enjoy the idea of helping discover new medicines. Who knows? maybe your son or daughter may find the cure for our worst diseases.
Monetary rewards are great even for new graduates and this type of research, is an ever-evolving and on-going field. Check out the types of pharmacy related science fields at colleges and universities online!
Extra Reading
BioWorld, The Daily Biopharmaceutical News Source
Careers in Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Learning in Motion
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AIC\ An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.