Find Diverse Skills in Apprenticeships

apprenticeship job strategyLearn diverse skills in apprenticeship programs

Apprenticeship programs pays for more than just skills and job training. Searching and settling on any one career choice, can be daunting when hopes, expectations and aspirations are high. Some do not even consider Trade Apprenticeship programs and not realize these offer a more direct route and career. Are you aware that a Certified apprentice can also achieve a high pay grade?

Today’s age has gone high tech and so have the requirements for training and skills in a apprenticeship program. An apprentice will learn skills and knowledge, to help further and complement their existing literacy, mathematical and analytical abilities but also build their creative, problem solving, and coordination in dexterity, stamina, improve hand-eye coordination and balance, for their chosen trade.

learn earn in Trades

The skills and traits will refine their abilities, to perform complex duties such as reading blueprints, effects of weather conditions, weight, distances, volumes, pressures and myriad of other influences and factors, that may affect over all work, equipment and production efforts.

The education of an apprentice will learn theory in the classroom setting and then apply this knowledge, directly in a work environment, learning with his tools and equipment plus personal safety under the supervision of a Certified Journeyman. He or she, will learn the most up-to-date applications and techniques next to learning the use, of the latest high technology equipment, in all area’s, to master the technical skills for their trade.

Statistics and reports show Need for Skilled Trades people

A couple interesting side notes that have been learned in reports and statistics ;

– the unemployment rate for those with college or trades training skills, has been lower, compared to University graduates

– An apprenticeship program allows one to ‘earn while they learn’

– not have a major post-secondary education debt upon graduation

– statistics have shown that the skilled trades person can earn a salary at estimates of 3.1% higher, than the national average of all Canadian careers combined

– employers are already having and will have, difficulty finding qualified staff with technological, trades skills training.

solar technician

Apprenticeships have been around for centuries. It is classroom and on-the-job training and requires a input of time and specific hours. Upon graduation and an award, of a, Certificate of Qualification in ( your chosen ) Trade, the apprentice will be able to have a good future, may face being in high demand, receive good pay, option to travel, and lower rates of unemployment.

Available Student Assistance

Apprentice programs may also offer grants to offset costs for the student. These may only be awarded after a specific length of time in the program but recommend that you learn through the education providers or student counselor, all available information.

Apprenticeship programs can be found at our colleges, employment centers and/or specific apprenticeship training sites, and government training web sites too. Take a look online and see what you can find that may be of interest.

The delivery of an apprenticeship program is 20% in-class learning and 80% on-the-job training. A training program offers the opportunity to learn a great skill, career, good salary, and is available to both men and women. There are over 200 trades to choose from in Canada and fall within these categories :

– Construction, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, pipe fitters, welders, heavy equipment operators, painters.

– Manufacturing, tool & die makers, industrial mechanics (millwrights), precision metal fabricators.

– Transportation, automotive service technicians, aircraft structural technicians, heavy duty equipment technicians, automotive painters, fuel/electrical systems technicians

– Service, horticultaralists, chefs, florists

Pay Range in Trade careers

The pay rate for a skilled Journeyman/woman, can range from $12 – $40.00+ per hour. A skilled tool and die maker in Windsor can earn a average up to $100K per year. One may start off as a Journeyman but move into positions as supervisors, management, instructor, and/or start their own business. It is a career that can go places and at your own pace. The following is a list of some trades and their pay rates :

– Crop Duster Pilot, up to $80K

– Commercial diver, $74K

– Plumber, pipe fitter, or steamfitter, $63,500

– Water Vessel Pilot, $51,200

– Millwright, $50,900

– Certified Electrician, $50,400

A few people don’t relish the idea of a whole day in the class room and prefer a more direct route to learning, earning and lucrative employment. Statistics and news reports have stated, that the baby boomers are aging out, and, their retirements, will open doors to the trade careers.

blueprint reading

Forecasts are showing, a great need for skilled trades people does exist. A bonus! knowing a trade skill can offer a boost to bring home extra earnings, and, keep up with rising living costs.

Learning in Motion

Extra Reading

Careers in Trades

Canadian Apprenticeship Forum

Ontario College of Trades

Apprenticeship Search

How long would you wait, for your plumber, electrician or carpenter, to make repairs? A shortage of qualified trades people, lengthens the time of arrival for a repair person. Go ahead, bring a friend along and visit your local employment centre or college, and, explore the Apprenticeship programs they have available, and, when the next classes begin.

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 AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


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