Tag Archives: sanitize with steam cleaning

Start a Steam Cleaning Service Business

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start a steam cleaning businessHealthy air is important to all of us both at home, work, school and our world over all. Allergy sufferers can provide a good indication of the air quality. Why start a steam cleaning service business ?

Importance of Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) aka indoor environmental quality (IEQ), can be managed easily with the use of a HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) system which will provide continuous air flow, and exchange, or smaller HEPA air filtration units.  Air is exchanged and flowing therefore preventing build up, and removing dust mites, mold, viruses or fungi, which we know, are not healthy, for our respiratory systems.

Furniture, carpets and any soft surfaces, are also places that can capture dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi. Humans shed dead skin cells quite regularly, which is the food for dust mites. They have a three month life span and leave ‘droppings’ which triggers allergic reactions. These will accumulate wherever we lay and sit the most. I don’t even want to look through a microscope to imagine this scene, do you?

Home Management Dutiessteam cleaning vacuum

Home management, refers to managing our home’s needs, and includes cleaning. This  need could offer a specialized home business service, and become quite valuable, to their customers especially with the current COVID -19 pandemic. Starting a vapor steam cleaning service would contribute to delivering the needed  benefits, of maintaining healthy indoor air quality, next to the HVAC system. A service that would be greatly appreciated by both residential and commercial customers.

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First steps would be to take the time, to delve into research, and develop a detailed business plan, that will provide you with the information, to start up this specialized home service. This could also be used for starting a ‘Car Valet’ steam cleaning service, and set up as, or both, a mobile, or fixed address, service business.

Steam Cleaning Business Equipment

Use of a Vapor steam machine, is best to use for the following reasons;

Water, uses only tap water and NO detergents or harsh chemicals, safe for sensitive allergies
Low moisture, the low moisture content begins to evaporate almost immediately
Dry steam, extremely hot, sanitizes and kills dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi on contact
Surfaces, can be used to clean all sorts of surfaces, just check for heat sensitivity first

The costs, for a Vapor steam machine can be high but the potential financial benefits, to provide this service, for the customers health, is even greater. This business can be set up to offer a servicing schedule, for repeat customers, operate seasonally or periodically, full or part time, day or night hours, residential or commercial, choice to use a crew, and still work from a home office.

Disadvantages in this business may be situations such as ; with use of a crew, collecting payment upon billing, people view cleaners as low status therefore important to provide a professional image (remember Molly maid services?) . Income may be limited by the number of hours you can work in a day or night, if working alone. High importance of good time management skills should include keeping a balance for self-care, and work.

Types of Steam cleaning Equipment

Lease or rent, of a Vapor steam machine may be the best option, to use at the start of this business until there is enough funds, to buy the equipment outright. Use of the smaller home steamer does not have such high temperatures, to guarantee sanitizing, and full removal of dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi. Use of the wet/dry steam machines risk providing moisture beds for mold to take hold, as this system leaves surfaces wet, and uses detergents or chemicals.  A Vapor steam machine will only require a regular vacuuming after steaming, to remove loosened dirt and debris. Which cleaning tool would you prefer?

Other factors to consider is the possible requirement to be bonded, if providing services to commercial offices. Extra earnings can be gleaned from working with other steam cleaners (networking), and remember the importance of maintaining communications, such as with a pager (yeah, old school), an answering machine, or service, so you don’t miss prospective customers, while out delivering your steam cleaning services. It’s a business that can be started with a good business plan, determination,  and a van. Healthy air is a concern to everybody and especially at home, schools, and work especially with Covid-19 floating around.

Learning in Motion

Related Learning Resources

Steam cleaning and your home: how to use steam cleaners in all rooms in your house 

The Easiest Way to Sanitize Your Bed Sheets, According to a Laundry Expert 

14+ Business Plan Templates

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to share your new found knowledge with others. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!

Article (C) 2021 An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us. She is also a VEA available for Hire and includes Writing too! 🙂
