All posts by Ginsense

About Ginsense

Ginsense loves to share knowledge in business, science, health, environment, advocating for improving our lives next to working quietly on embroidery projects.

Fun with Road Travel Communications

road communications, motorcycle communications, wireless radio, gmrs,The open road draws many people for short and long term road trips whether by car, truck, RV, and a favorite, motorcycles. Communication with others is available for these road travelers, and it can be ‘fun with road travel communications’.

Types of Telecommunication Devices

The ease of providing and accessing telecommunication devices specific for road traveling has made many options available. These various devices range anywhere from a mobile telephone, CB radios, Bluetooth, PDA’s, walkie-talkies, and other e-gadgets that have a variety of specialized features.

One of the more advanced options that is available to motorcyclists is the wired headset that allows both rider and passenger the ability to communicate while in transit. Who can carry on a conversation with the wind whipping by our ears and bugs flying into our mouth, eww! This sort of system is connected via wires but is required, to be manually disconnected and reconnected, when leaving the motorcycle for any length of time. A tiny inconvenience for a fun gadget, don’t you think?

Where does Thou find this Fun Gadget?

Local electronic stores, online, offline, and various mail order vendors offer to sell a few low power GMRS (General mobile radio service) radios which provide basic unit- to- unit communications but can’t be used with range extending repeaters. This would require the capability to transmit and receive in the 462- 467 MHz band plus provide ability for sub-audible control tones. One can also find used equipment and less costly models through various advertisements both online and offline from radio enthusiasts.

Wireless options  allow for a greater freedom. These are available in different frequency ranges which will make communicating with a passenger or other nearby bikers quite easy. Ability to communicate over larger distances will require use of a General mobile radio service, GMRS, which operates identically to a walkie-talkie system.

Staying Legal with your Communications Device

Legal requirements exist for the use or modification of a GMRS communication radios and are as follows ;

– A person is required to obtain a license
– Minimum age of 18
– Not be representative of a foreign government
– Your immediate family members are the only other eligible persons allowed to operate your radio
– Somebody with their own license can use your radio
– Fines up to $10K can be issued for un-licensed usage even if it’s a first offense, and more, for subsequent violations
– Not allowed to lend your own private license to anybody else
– Not allowed to connect to Public switch network
– No data transmit capabilities
– Restricted to specified channels only.

The popular method to apply for a license is online through the FCC website. A fee is required and will cover the application and usage fee, usually a 5 year term. Their web site will have instructions available and necessary contact telephone numbers for any assistance or questions.

No worries of getting bugs in your mouth and eyes, or road dirt, in your hair but get to have fun with this mobile communication system. An opportunity to discuss your road trip, sights, warnings, or gab for a bit, and great, for when the mobile phone isn’t working, you know, no signal?  We have the tools, right prices and now we’ll have communication 🙂

Learning in Motion

Extra Reading + Resources

Holiday ‘HAMS’

ARRL- The National Association for Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Certification – Industry Canada

Radio Amateurs of Canada

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AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology, and society. She enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


12 Free Science and Business Research Resources

free research resources, an informal cornr

I have great admiration and respect, for people with mad skills in professional career fields, rich (not the money type) life experiences and immense knowledge. Let’s explore ‘12 free Science and Business research resources‘. 🙂

Mind you, one can also have a higher education but be an absolutely horrible person, and disrespect, or prey upon others. We’ll go hide over yonder, if we see one of those, okay?

Bloggers Write Experience, Education and Skills

Do you ever wonder about bloggers? They too are educated in various fields, and  develop partnerships with others, educated in different fields. They work together, and  provide awesome content for your enjoyable consumption.

Many businesses hire Bloggers to provide content too. Feed the brain! Arrgh! (that growl sound) braaain! Remember that movie?

Bloggers do a lot of reading about their niche topic, or, as in my case, read about more than one niche, then make an outline, organize it into a fabulous and coherent, epic post, all for you. Speaking for myself, it feels good to know, somebody may find my post, helps overcome a problem, or two, and maybe, learn something new and talk about it with confidence.

The 12 Free Science and Business Research Resources

science of chemistry
world of chemistry

The journey to delve into the 12 free online resource sites that can be quite helpful, for research purposes whether for personal, business, or education purposes, are as follows;


Described as, ‘a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)’ and which even Canada references to this site too.

Research Buzz

A site packed with news about search engines, digital data archives, online databases, and allows you to subscribe, for your own specific information. A great tool for research add-ons.

Information Please

A resource site for parents, educators and librarians to find factual answers to questions about ‘current events, science, government and history‘. Tools such as, a thesaurus, almanac, dictionary and encyclopedia are offered too. This site is considered, very kid friendly to visit, for their own research needs.

Plants Database

A database about ‘vascular’ plants, found in the US. It contains information about plants and is focused on land conservation. Information such as species abstracts, plant characteristics, symbols and more, can be found at this site and they encourage academic, educational and general use for research studies.

The Free Library

A huge library of classic literature but also ‘has been expanded to include a massive collection of periodicals from hundreds of leading publications covering Business and Industry, Communications, Entertainment, Health, Humanities, Law, Government, Politics, Recreation and Leisure, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences’.

Open Access Scientific Reports

A huge repository of free scientific reports and journals in science and technologies. They seek to ‘expand the reach of research data in the real time, which in turn helps in furthering the research for research scholars, students, libraries, educational institutions, research centers and industries and able to benefit from open access to research data’.

Free Tech Books

A site that offers a growing database of ‘free/open access online computer science books, lecture notes and textbooks’. Technologies are always changing therefore important to stay updated with the latest and greatest. Who doesn’t want to be tech savvy?

math science
math and science formulas

Retail Wire

A great business site that offers free insight into ‘expert opinion and advice covering the most dynamic trends and issues affecting the retailing industry’. Refer to this site when looking for news about business.

SBDC Clearinghouse|SBA Small Business Help

A public access, business research site, for Small business and entrepreneurs. They do research for their Small business development network and offer their research results at this site.

World Economic Forum

A business resource that offers insights about ‘the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas’. They have insightful reports about entrepreneurship and business from around the world.

Nations Encyclopedia

A resource site that offers insightful reports about a nations ‘economy, economic sectors, agriculture, poverty, and wealth, working conditions, imports, exports, manufacturing, and much more’.

Trade Pub

A fantastic free subscription B2B resource, that touts their ‘research library is #1 resource for professionals to access free research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks’. Once you join, you can subscribe by email or download their app.

Research is a Skill

I strive to help others ‘learn that ordinary can grow into Extraordinary’. Set backs can happen to anybody but tomorrow, is a new day and we can make changes. Do I actually read all this stuff? Well, I spend a lot of time surfing online around these sites, or in my email, reading information from these sites, gathering notes.

All this activity and reading, helps to inspire spin-off topics, or strengthen current topics, provide concrete evidence. I prefer to present you with facts vs faux news. Besides, knowledge explored together makes for great moments, don’t you think?

Learning in Action

Extra Learning Resources

GED Testing Service  


I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments, and Share this article, with your Friends. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form and request a topic of your own interest, for the next Post.

 An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


What is Home Safety worth to you?

home security, home safety, family safety, crime prevention

Please Note: this article does contain Affiliate links offering monetary compensation. Please refer to the Disclosure policy for more details.

Society can be found with crimes occurring every few minutes. Reports such as the Uniform Crime Report, done by the FBI in the USA, and UCR Survey from Statistics Canada, provides us with some insight, and, the degree of occurrence with the various crimes. Luckily, we can take proactive action, and help prevent, becoming part of these reports. How can we start our own home safety plans?

Security at Home

Changes can be done for improving safety measures, in our homes. One plan could start with building a ‘safe room’ aka a ‘panic’ room. These can be specially built, to provide a safe zone during a home invasion, withstand unpredictable weather, and, terror alerts. These types of home additions are becoming popular, and, considered to increase your home value.

Basic supplies for your safe room may be simple such as food, water, medications, lighting, an extra telephone, and, bedding. We have no idea how long the duration to stay sheltered may be needed but at least, with the most basic survival needs at hand, safety can be maintained.

Adding High Tech Security

The use of high technological security tools, can be a second line of defense, for home and personal safety. Purchasing hidden cameras that appear as ordinary home objects such as a fan, telephone, pen, or, clip-on button, are available. These can provide audio and video monitoring, and, may include tracking capabilities, for home or personal safety use.

Other tools are available such as GPS monitoring and real-time tracking systems, vehicle dashboard cameras, peep-hole cameras that allow you to see the other side of a door, outdoor yard cameras, with and without, night vision capabilities.

smart home security, home security, security tools, shop security tech

Why and how would I pay the high costs of such equipment?

The price numbers that fly around in our minds, make the idea of purchasing such equipment seem impossible, or, unattainable. Now, who says you need everything, all at once? We have to learn to break that seemingly unattainable vision down- to manageable goals.

Purchasing a nanny cam for home use, helps monitor our children, elderly parents, our youths and ‘nannies or caregivers’. A purchase could also include an infrared motion detector with night vision, and alert, for home security against intruders.

The use of high technology such as infrared motion detectors, alarms, audio and video storage abilities, GPS satellite technology, and built into ordinary objects, does come with costs. Safety of our children and family members, is a shared priority in good parenting practices. We don’t always have to depend on a windfall, the lottery ticket, or, family IOU plans.

Explore the world of Side Gigs

The internet opens the door to beyond our town or city. This has opened a huge field for new business ideas and a few of those involve allowing people to sign up for ‘gigs aka side hustles’, and earn some money! such as the following:

Lyft, Uber, offering cab services with your vehicle
Rover, providing dog sitting or walking services
Financial assistance, bookkeeper, accountant and tax preparation
Gigwalk, small tasks assistance by phone app (i.e.,photo inside local store)
Moving Service, offer home moving services weekends only, good with your own truck

A few examples and true stories, to consider for raising funds. These do not have to be long-term goals but can prove useful enough, to earn extra monies towards purchasing your home security needs, or, future plans, for building your own safe room, can now become a reality. It will take time, effort and commitment.

Setup your Plan and Goals

The safety of our family members does not have a price tag attached. As parents, we do our best to keep them safe but sometimes, just a little more effort and know-how, can provide an extra layer of security, with access to home and personal safety tools.

Explore various Home security vendors, and check out their products, in home security tools available to the public. These can prove to be helpful and affordable, to start your plans for building  your home and personal safety.

Visit the sites, check out their products and start writing a wish list, the price, how many, and, then the total. Write down a second wish list for future goals under the first list. Again, add it all up for the total. Sit back and ask yourself, ‘can I manage this on my own work pay?‘ If help is needed, sign up for one of the above listed ‘Gigs’ or find other gig ideas online, yes, there are more!

Secondly,  regarding your side hustle. You must learn to allow negotiating a fair price for your Gig services. We don’t want to rob people with prices set too high.  Friendly negotiations for a fair price may result in having word-of-mouth advertising, and people saying, ‘s/he’s a GREAT person to ask for help’.

Lastly, figure out how many gigs to raise $ XXX.XX amount of dollars. Check out the sample illustration, to see potential results when you create your own side hustle/Gig forms, for your planning. Imagine the possibilities!

gig tracker form sample, gig sample, sample gig form graphic, side hustle, earn money gigs

Lastly, the biggest question remains. How good can we keep a secret about the safety measures taken, to protect your family? shhh! I won’t say anything. Visit your Home security provider of choice today, and start your wish list!

Learning in Motion

Extra Reading

Aetoseye – A SafetyKart Initiative


Neighborhood Watch

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and SHARE with your Friends. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form and request a topic of your own interest for the next Post!

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology, society, and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us. She is also a VEA available for Hire 🙂
