Category Archives: Education

How to stay Safe on Canada’s Roads during the Coldest months

Canada sits at the latitude and longitude of 60 degrees N and 95 degrees W and shows our position in the Northern Hemisphere. Winters can be extremely harsh in the interior and Prairie provinces. We are going to explore this topic and how to stay safe on Canada’s roads during the coldest months with re-examining safe winter driving skills,

Winter weather can vary across the nation. Average temperatures can range anywhere from -5 degrees to -40 degrees. Staying safe usually follows the rule of ‘go outside during the day, head indoors at sunset‘. This is because winter weather can be unpredictable and serious survival skills would be needed if caught outdoors especially with onset of nightfall.

Canadian winter nights can reach extremely cold temperatures

This rule should also be followed by all Owners who drive but there are people who must travel for work. We will explore some tips from others who do have knowledge and lived experience with this type of weather. Remember, your Safety is of utmost importance for you, and your Loved ones.

Safe Winter Driving Tips

Most Canadians know winter brings with it inclement weather that can make driving more challenging … Read more.

6 Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Whether you’re driving in snow for the first time or a seasoned driver looking for a quick refresher, we’ve got some useful winter driving tips for everyone. As conditions differ in each Canadian city, we’ve developed a list of winter driving tips to help safely see you through the coldest season of the year. Read more.

trucks need wide turns -give them room

Driving an EV in Canadian Winter

Driving an electric vehicle in the frigid Canadian winter poses unique challenges that require additional caution for optimal efficiency. Despite the fact that EVs are designed to resist extreme circumstances, those who drive electric vehicles in Canada should follow particular care practices to stay safe during the winter months. Read more.

Essential Travel Tips for a Winter Road Trip in Canada

Navigating icy roads and preparing for colder temperatures require additional planning to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey … Read more.

blizzards are hazardous weather conditions

10 Tools and Tips to Help you Survive Winter on the Road

Well, it’s almost that time of year again, when blizzards begin, all-wheel-drive reigns supreme, and common sense dictates you take a little more care in your driving. But sometimes, even with all the care I know all Driving readers exercise in all conditions, situations arise. Better be prepared for the worst is always a good idea when driving alone at night; doubly so if it’s winter and you’re well off the beaten path … Read more

Emergency Car Kit check list

The Safe Driver

It’s that time of year again when temperatures start to plummet, hoodies and jackets become non-negotiable, and it starts to get dark a bit too early for the liking of most Canadians. Read more.

The Ultimate List of Canada Driving Statistics for 2024

Looking for the latest Canada driving stats and trends? We’ve got you covered. We’ve curated, vetted, and categorized a list of most recent, up-to-date stats below. Each statistic on drivers and their behavior is about Canada except where stated otherwise. Need Ontario-specific stats? Check out these Ontario driving statistics. Read more.

How to Drive Safely in Winter Weather Conditions: Tips for New and Experienced Drivers 2021

Driving during the winter can be challenging. There are a lot of factors you need to be cautious of. Black ice and slippery roads can be dangerous if you are not equipped with the proper driving knowledge and skills. Here are a few tips to help you be better prepared for driving in harsh winter weather conditions. Read more.

vision is difficult driving in blizzard conditions

Ontario car Insurance Rates jump 12% in just over a Year

Ontario’s average estimated auto insurance premium rose 12% in 2023 compared to 2021, according to data from the RATESDOTCA Insuramap, an interactive online map that shows the average insurance rates by postal code. The average estimated premium is currently $1,744, marking the largest increase in the history of the Insuramap survey. Read more.

Free Images by

How much is insurance for a new Driver in Ontario?

If you’re a newly licensed driver in Ontario—first, congratulations. Second, prepare yourself for the cost of car insurance. People often assume that teenage drivers are the most expensive to insure, but the truth is that high insurance rates can affect all new drivers, regardless of age. Inexperience behind the wheel can cost you—but I’ll show you several strategies that can help you save money. Read more.

I hope your driving travels during this particular season are Safe, and do remember that Canada does have FOUR seasons. Winter is only one of them but known for it’s cold temperatures, long nights, short days. It can arrive in late October and last up till April.

A few tips I’ve learned over the years are as follows:

  • Slow down, and Gear down
  • It’s always good to think outside of the box when finding oneself on the side of the road. It may just save your life.
  • If stuck in the snow ‘off-roading’ and don’t have Kitty litter for traction, grab your knife or just snap off a couple large branches and tuck it under your tires. Dress warm if you must go outside.
  • Make sure you have back-up communication ability packed with your Car Emergency Kit since Cell phones may not always get a signal.
  • Ask around for an Accident lawyer who’s affordable.

Learning in Motion

Extra Learning Resources

Controlling a Skid

Preliminary 2023 Ontario Road Safety Annual Report selected Statistics

Car Emergency Kit Essentials: Preparedness on the Go

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight to update your driving skills. Please feel free to leave your Comments and Share your new found knowledge with others.

Use the ‘Ask A Question’ form to make a request on a topic of interest to you. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed. I hope your Visit again for more interesting articles. Take care, God Bless 🙂


10 Experimental Medical Treatment Discoveries

Medical research aka clinical research perform tests and procedures in the laboratory. Development of a drug or treatment is created, and eventually tests are done with animals. Shall we explore the 10 Experimental Medical treatment discoveries?

Once they are at a stage where there are no side effects or fatalities then choosing to move with the most promising experimental treatments into ‘clinical trials’ are planned. These are steps that are all conducted in ‘phases’, starting with research of molecules or elements, development of a drug then testing on animals.

Once testing is found safe with no harmful side effects, it then moves into the first phase with a small group of qualified people. Qualified people refers to those with specific health issues.

Begin with a Call – Out

The health team will continue delivering health care services, and the new treatments or tests ordered by the, or a team of Doctor(s) to measure and evaluate the outcome with help from qualified patients.

The team must first seek government ‘approval‘ to dispense the medications, and/or procedures. Volunteer patients safety is a mandatory priority.

A call-out for volunteers is made, usually for the latest promising medical drug or treatments. Would you volunteer or be willing to join a clinical trial with pay?

the 10 Experimental Medical Treatment Discoveries

  • Canadian study discovers way to make ‘universal’ organs for all transplant recipients, 2022

A new first-of-its-kind study out of Canada has discovered a way to make “universal” organs that could be used in all transplant recipients regardless of their blood type. The proof-of-concept study has demonstrated the possibility of safely converting blood type in donor organs for transplantation, which would make the wait shorter for patients, but also decrease mortality. Read more.

  • Experimental treatment helps patients hospitalized with COPD, 2021

People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can no longer take in all the air they need. A research team investigated the use of hyaluronan a long-chain sugar that’s naturally secreted by many tissues, including within the lungs. Read more.

  • This experimental drug could change the field of cancer research,2022

A tiny group of people just experienced something of a scientific miracle: their cancer simply vanished after an experimental treatment.The trial resulted in every single one of their tumors disappearing. Read more.

  • Experimental Brain Cancer Treatment Is a Success, 2016

Using the immune system to beat cancer is quickly becoming a promising new strategy for battling tumors. A report published in the New England Journal of Medicine say that the same immuneotherapy that is successful against blood cancers also helped a patient with advanced brain cancer. Read more.

  • How an experimental treatment beat a little girl’s cancer,2022

The first child ever to receive genetically-modified T cells. The experimental treatment cured her leukemia, and the success of her case has allowed all kinds of cellular therapies to be developed. Read more.

  • Experimental approach to treating pancreatic cancer heralded as a success,2022

A new gene therapy shrank the tumors of a woman with pancreatic cancer. Researchers think it has the potential to benefit millions more people. Read more.

  • Nasal cartilage relieves osteoarthritis in the knee, 2021

Cartilage cells from the nasal septum can help repair cartilage injuries in the knee — they can also withstand the chronic inflammatory tissue environment in osteoarthritis and even counteract the inflammation. Read more.

  • Electrical zaps can ‘reawaken’ lost neural connections, helping paralyzed people walk again, 2022

Scientists identified specific spinal nerve cells that people likely need to regain the ability to walk after paralyzing injuries. Read more.

  • Ebola vaccines in African countries successfully produced antibodies in kids and adults, 2022

The results of two randomized, placebo-controlled trials analyzing three Ebola vaccine administration strategies show promising results. Read more.

  • In a 1st, baby’s heart defect successfully treated with injected stem cells, 2022

A baby underwent heart surgeries for a heart defect, and was the first child on record to receive a stem cell injection to patch his heart after surgery. Read more.

End Phase of the Trial

Clinical trials are carried out in two groups, and four phases. Think of it as going from small to large numbers of people.

If the outcomes, evaluations and follow-up evaluations are positive, the new drug or treatment is nationally accepted then there is no further testing needed. The trials are closed.

A new medication is government approved for public dispensing. Paid volunteers are an important factor to the success of this new drug or treatment. I’m grateful for their courage in taking the trial to give us new medical discoveries.

earn with Payhip

Learn to Explore your Interest

To start your own journey into entering a Cinical trial you can ask your doctor, or he may even ask if you’d be interested. Adults and children may qualify but it’s important to learn as much as possible about the trial.

Some clinical trials will Pay, and others may not. Do not be shy to ASK questions. The main goal is to test, and evaluate the outcomes of new medical treatments or medications.

I think the USA offers payment for clinical trials, and some may offer payment in Canada too. Again, don’t be shy to ask. It’s ok. No animals will be harmed. 🙂

Learning in Motion

Extra Learning Resources

What is Biomedical Research?

U.S. National Library of Medicine – Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials Ontario

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to leave your Comments, and Share your new found knowledge with others. Use the ‘Ask A Question form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed.

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


4 Types of Decontamination Procedures

What is Decontamination?

The use of decontamination refers to applying a process or the treatment in ‘removing contaminants‘ from a person and/or object such as medical equipment or surrounding surfaces. This ensures safe handling, and prevention and/or exposure of cross-contamination, and/or transmission of contagions.

Today’s society has laws in place for many businesses to protect the Public from being exposed to the many types of microorganisms known as virus’s, and bacterial germs. This is to prevent outbreaks and maintain our health. This is known as ‘Public Health‘ services and their main goal is to ‘safeguard and improve the health of the community as a whole.‘ (Miller-Keane, Encyclopedia & DIctionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Allied Health)

Let’s go forward and read on about the ‘behind the scenes’ efforts that are taken by medical professionals and supporting staff to do their best to bring about our full recovery.

Different Decontamination Uses

Sterilization: using a physical or chemical procedure to destroy microbes including highly resistant bacterial endospores (Listeria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus).

Disinfection : using a liquid chemical to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms with the exception of bacterial spores on work surfaces and equipment. Effectiveness will depend on ‘what‘ was on or near the surfaces and equipment.

Antisepsis: applying a liquid antimicrobial chemical aka a germicide to skin or living tissue to inhibit or destroy germs.

Cleaning: use of soap and water and scrubbing by (gloved) hand or brush. A first step before sterilization or disinfection of equipment to help reduce germs.

medical facilities use sterile environments

Methods of Decontamination

Heat Sterilization – Wet and Dry

Wet Heat : Using steam at various temperatures and specific periods of time, is used for sterilizing physical objects and equipment. It’s viewed as rapid and dependable against many organisms, and bio-hazard wastes for decontamination.

Dry Heat: a method that is less efficient, and needs longer periods of time with higher temperatures. It is safer to use on impermeable surfaces such as glass without worrying about germs being insulated.

Liquid Disinfection

Liquid disinfectants are used in different concentrations for decontaminating surfaces and liquid wastes. Various types of liquids are used for disinfecting, and only those confirmed to eliminate germs are used.

Effectiveness will depend on types of organisms, concentrations, time, and other environmental conditions. There is no one specific liquid disinfectant that’s effective with all germs and conditions.

Vapors and Gas

A method delivering excellent disinfection used in closed areas and controlled environment of temperature and humidity. Applied to areas with bulky and sensitive equipment, biosafety storage cabinets, rooms, buildings and associated air supply systems.

Radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing)


Ionizing radiation will destroy microorganisms, cause tissue damage, kill cells, and cause cancers.


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation (includes our Sun) effectively eliminates most germs in air, water and on surfaces. Germs must be directly exposed to the UV light. Poor results rise when dirt, dust, and shadows can hide germs.

UV radiation is used to reduce levels of airborne microorganisms and maintain good air. It’s important to note there are dangers to human health when exposed for long lengths of time, and unshielded, to UV light.

Learning to Add to our Self-care

Our last two years with Covid-19 has given us a glimpse into medical practices that have been learned and followed by all medical professionals, for decades. Masks help block airborne germs entering our nose and mouths, handwashing helps sanitize our hands that touched surfaces that may be contaminated with germs of one kind or another.

We have learned one step in our self-care to promote ‘decontamination‘ which helps prevent bringing it home to immunocompromised family members.

soap and water = simplest & easy cleaner

Germs are opportunistic and I guess, predatory. They look for an environment similar to ours, a source of warmth, water and supply of nutrients. Our own bodies deliver such an environment, and will do it’s best to defend us; a fever to ‘sterilize‘, runny nose, vomiting, and diarrhea to ‘expel‘ germs but we may still get overrun.

Our hospitals provide us with a secondary ‘protective‘ environment. They deliver care, a sterile environment, medicines to strengthen our own immunity and promote wellness, while simultaneously keeping our environment clean and healthy, for you, themselves, and others.

I truly hope you have a deeper understanding and higher view of our health professionals, and the care they take to ensure you have the best environment for a quick recovery.

Let’s celebrate the ability of us Humans to learn about health, and our environment. It’s not perfect but every new discovery gets added to providing better care, to our future generations.

Learning in Motion

Sterilizing medical tools with autoclave

Extra Reading Resources

Tips for Keeping COVID-19 Out of Your Home

Disinfectant Overkill: What are “Quats” and why are they a problem?

How-to Create and Practice an Emergency Exit Plan

How might climate change affect the spread of viruses?

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share your comments, and share your new found knowledge with others. Use the ‘Ask A Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Article (C)2022 – current, AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.
