Category Archives: Personal Development

Learning to cope with various situations with friends, family and society and over all self-improvement.

5 Different Parenting Challenges

Parenting a family whether as a couple or a single parent can be a mix of wonderful then suddenly we get attitude, and we ask our self, ‘who is this person and where is my sweet child?’ We tend to forget our child(ren) are growing into an adult. A few different parenting challenges do arise for us and our children but some behaviors are quite normal.

It’s going to depend on our responses to how we handle this stage of their growth that will be revealed in their adulthood. It’s this next step of their growth that can be a challenge and sets them up towards the adult they will become, or not.

family bonds when done together

The following articles are about different areas and ages where our parenting skills can get challenged, and how we respond sets foundations towards our duty of presenting a healthy adult to society. It’s always good to keep our parenting journey a learning environment for us, and our children.

Conversations to teach Civic Engagement

Read about how parents can open discussions with teaching their child(ren) the importance of staying informed and an engaged citizen for a thriving and peaceful democracy.

Turning Down Tween Attitude

It’s common knowledge that the tween and teenage years can be hard on the parent-child relationship. Experiencing defiance, rejection, and ridicule from one’s child is very upsetting for parents.

Help for Parents of Troubled Teens

Is your teenager violent, depressed, abusing alcohol or drugs, or facing other problems? Here’s how to ease the stress at home and help your teen transition into a happy, successful adult.

let unconditional love help us through life storms

Long Term Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect

Recent work in child development and neuroscience increasingly suggests that children require safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments to thrive. Evidence shows that stress and trauma, especially when prolonged, can interrupt healthy child development, putting them at risk for lifelong health issues.

Six Kinds of Emotional Abuse by Narcissistic Parents

Narcissistic Parents or caregivers who display rejecting behavior toward a child will often [purposefully or unconsciously] let a child know, in a variety of ways, that he or she is unwanted.

Learning in Motion

how to nurture our child’s mental health

Extra Reading Resources

Top 25 Parenting Forums, Discussion and Message Boards

25 Cheap Meals for Large Families Under $10

Child Abuse Prevention Month: Healing As An Adult Survivor

What Makes a Child Special? Ideas for Celebrating Uniqueness

Seeking Help is Protecting Mental Health

Not all parenting duties are easy nor are parents picture perfect. Some days we are hard on ourselves, and others behave because of past ‘ghosts’ that haunt them. There is no shame in talking with qualified therapists for yourself, or for your child(ren) to help understand and answer that question, why?

past ghost memories can affect us today

Qualified therapists and counselors are there to help us by listening then help us learn new coping skills, become our better selves, in complete confidentiality. Each day is a new day to press that re-start button, and to make positive changes. Life may not be easy but it can be managed with a healthy outlook.

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to leave your comments and Share your new found knowledge with others. Use the ‘Ask A Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed.

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


4 Types of Decontamination Procedures

What is Decontamination?

The use of decontamination refers to applying a process or the treatment in ‘removing contaminants‘ from a person and/or object such as medical equipment or surrounding surfaces. This ensures safe handling, and prevention and/or exposure of cross-contamination, and/or transmission of contagions.

Today’s society has laws in place for many businesses to protect the Public from being exposed to the many types of microorganisms known as virus’s, and bacterial germs. This is to prevent outbreaks and maintain our health. This is known as ‘Public Health‘ services and their main goal is to ‘safeguard and improve the health of the community as a whole.‘ (Miller-Keane, Encyclopedia & DIctionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Allied Health)

Let’s go forward and read on about the ‘behind the scenes’ efforts that are taken by medical professionals and supporting staff to do their best to bring about our full recovery.

Different Decontamination Uses

Sterilization: using a physical or chemical procedure to destroy microbes including highly resistant bacterial endospores (Listeria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus).

Disinfection : using a liquid chemical to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms with the exception of bacterial spores on work surfaces and equipment. Effectiveness will depend on ‘what‘ was on or near the surfaces and equipment.

Antisepsis: applying a liquid antimicrobial chemical aka a germicide to skin or living tissue to inhibit or destroy germs.

Cleaning: use of soap and water and scrubbing by (gloved) hand or brush. A first step before sterilization or disinfection of equipment to help reduce germs.

medical facilities use sterile environments

Methods of Decontamination

Heat Sterilization – Wet and Dry

Wet Heat : Using steam at various temperatures and specific periods of time, is used for sterilizing physical objects and equipment. It’s viewed as rapid and dependable against many organisms, and bio-hazard wastes for decontamination.

Dry Heat: a method that is less efficient, and needs longer periods of time with higher temperatures. It is safer to use on impermeable surfaces such as glass without worrying about germs being insulated.

Liquid Disinfection

Liquid disinfectants are used in different concentrations for decontaminating surfaces and liquid wastes. Various types of liquids are used for disinfecting, and only those confirmed to eliminate germs are used.

Effectiveness will depend on types of organisms, concentrations, time, and other environmental conditions. There is no one specific liquid disinfectant that’s effective with all germs and conditions.

Vapors and Gas

A method delivering excellent disinfection used in closed areas and controlled environment of temperature and humidity. Applied to areas with bulky and sensitive equipment, biosafety storage cabinets, rooms, buildings and associated air supply systems.

Radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing)


Ionizing radiation will destroy microorganisms, cause tissue damage, kill cells, and cause cancers.


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation (includes our Sun) effectively eliminates most germs in air, water and on surfaces. Germs must be directly exposed to the UV light. Poor results rise when dirt, dust, and shadows can hide germs.

UV radiation is used to reduce levels of airborne microorganisms and maintain good air. It’s important to note there are dangers to human health when exposed for long lengths of time, and unshielded, to UV light.

Learning to Add to our Self-care

Our last two years with Covid-19 has given us a glimpse into medical practices that have been learned and followed by all medical professionals, for decades. Masks help block airborne germs entering our nose and mouths, handwashing helps sanitize our hands that touched surfaces that may be contaminated with germs of one kind or another.

We have learned one step in our self-care to promote ‘decontamination‘ which helps prevent bringing it home to immunocompromised family members.

soap and water = simplest & easy cleaner

Germs are opportunistic and I guess, predatory. They look for an environment similar to ours, a source of warmth, water and supply of nutrients. Our own bodies deliver such an environment, and will do it’s best to defend us; a fever to ‘sterilize‘, runny nose, vomiting, and diarrhea to ‘expel‘ germs but we may still get overrun.

Our hospitals provide us with a secondary ‘protective‘ environment. They deliver care, a sterile environment, medicines to strengthen our own immunity and promote wellness, while simultaneously keeping our environment clean and healthy, for you, themselves, and others.

I truly hope you have a deeper understanding and higher view of our health professionals, and the care they take to ensure you have the best environment for a quick recovery.

Let’s celebrate the ability of us Humans to learn about health, and our environment. It’s not perfect but every new discovery gets added to providing better care, to our future generations.

Learning in Motion

Sterilizing medical tools with autoclave

Extra Reading Resources

Tips for Keeping COVID-19 Out of Your Home

Disinfectant Overkill: What are “Quats” and why are they a problem?

How-to Create and Practice an Emergency Exit Plan

How might climate change affect the spread of viruses?

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share your comments, and share your new found knowledge with others. Use the ‘Ask A Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Article (C)2022 – current, AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


7 Health Forums to Help find Community Support and Answers

7 health forums for community

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a branch of the United Nations. They strive to bring better global health ‘for everyone, everywhere‘. Many of our own healthcare facilities operate with similar goals of the WHO except deliver care at the local community level.

Life deals us with a surprise health issue, and we sit in consternation wondering, what do I do now? Luckily, today we can make online connections either on our own or with a friend.

Let’s talk about 7 Health forums to help you find community support, and answers about health issues.

Desired and Undesired States of Health

Good health, at it’s most basic level refers to the absence of physical, mental, social and spiritual impairment or loss. We arrive in this world in states of optimal health, and it feels like the world is ours, and we run to get our piece of the pie.

I don’t think any of us realize how hard we work our bodies. We then hit our 50’s and suddenly get hit with a disease, disability or other health issue. It’s like a ‘surprise‘ attack from our own bodies and we feel betrayed. We are left feeling lost, struggling to understand just what’s going on with our body. We ask ourselves, what am I supposed to do now?

medical monitor tools

Our World turned Upside down, Inside out

Unfortunately, health is not guaranteed. Our health will change over time, today, tomorrow or in the next hour. Our bodies will go through changes, and we may require medical help from a team of medical professionals such as the following ;

  • our family Doctor
  • nurses
  • diagnostic test staff
  • specialized Doctor
  • specialized health team (physiotherapist, optometrist, etc.)

The idea of facing a personal health diagnosis affects each of us, and we will react. A sense of loss especially our independence, and realizing the need to adjust to a whole new way of life, can be overwhelming and scary.

A good health team will do their best to reassure you but also ‘teach‘ you about what’s going to change, and give directions on the best methods of self-care that you can start to do at home. One’s whole life may be slightly altered but you can adjust and will survive the changes.

Finding Community Support

We are so lucky to have the internet. It connects us to family, new and old friends, co-workers, and even Support groups.

In the case of learning a personal life-changing health issue there are online Health community forums we can join. Some forums are dedicated to specific health issues such as for the Liver, Kidney, Blind, and the Deaf only.

Other health forums will have many ‘communities‘ on the site that are dedicated to various health issues. It is these sites that can offer you a sense of belonging, and help you find answers to questions you may have about your diagnosis, and learn from others.

Some sites have Doctors and health staff on stand-by to answer questions put forward. You don’t have to feel you’re alone.

I would rather interact with others living the experience of the same health diagnosis, and health professionals who have the skills and knowledge.

It’s nice to hear kind words from friends and family but without the facts of the specific health issue at hand, it can be dangerous to maintaining our new state of personal health. It’s important that answers come from qualified medical professionals.

keyboard to join online forums

7 Health Forums to Help find Support and Answers

MD Talks

Where anyone can ask doctors medical questions for free online.

Patient – Community Forums

Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.

Health Unlocked

Take control of your health. Connect with people like you. Get online support 24/7. Visit –> here.

MedHelp – Mens Health Community

A community for people with Men’s Health-related concerns. Ask a question, join a conversation, share experiences.

A new Canadian Health forum looking to build a community filled with health enthusiasts, professionals and people wanting to share their experiences and support.

NatMed Talk

Discussion forum dedicated to natural health. If you want to explore the importance of whole foods, supplements and natural herbal/holistic remedies, please register. You can login directly with your Facebook or Google account.

Health Boards

Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Join the conversation!


Take Caution with Sharing

Forums are free to join. They may counsel you against sharing too much personal medical information publicly to protect you. It’s okay to sit back and read, you’re learning. Posts in the forums will be educational, factual, comforting, and maybe touch of playfulness.

Once again, a health discussion forum should never replace diagnosis and treatment by your own doctor, but it can still help you learn and stay informed about the status of your health. You can also watch Netflix health documentaries to learn more.

Remember, part of your self-care is learning about your health diagnosis, adjusting your way of life accordingly, and sharing with others helps prevent feeling alone. Again, you are not alone and learning is gradual, not an overnight sensation. Stay strong, keep faith, stay safe.

Learning in Motion

Further Reading Resources

Discover a Hobby

Top 10 Virtual Museum Tours

Its Your Turn – Email Games


I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share with others! Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form to make a Request about a topic of your own interest. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles at AIC|An Informal Cornr about business skills and development, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.
