Category Archives: Home Biz Ideas

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Explore a Cart & Kiosk Business

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Micro Business Ideas with Carts & Kiosks

micro business cart and kiosks
micro business with cart and kiosks

Despite this global pandemic, and now a vaccine coming out, we can still explore owning a business even with the decline to our economy, and current Covid-19 pandemic. One such operation to explore, is the micro business idea with Kiosk and Cart business. They can be highly lucrative ventures.

Location is the major key to the success, of this particular business venture. You can buy new or used, rent or lease a cart, or kiosk, and can even have it custom-built.

In the past, you could operate your little shop at a variety of locations such as in a mall, or sporting and entertainment events, flea markets, busy downtown streets, tourist spots, or near a location where workers gather, for meals or snacks, and other creative outlets limited only by your imagination, and your local city/town hall policies.

Researching the Mobile Cart & Kiosks Business Model

Today, we must take safety into consideration therefore requiring you, the owner, to design your little shop, to include social distancing, maybe use display cases with a cover for products, offer masks and paper gloves next to your hand sanitizer. Include a friendly ‘reminder‘ sign about safety for all. Respect for others, and their safety, shows them your own attention to the importance of everybody’s health, not just sales.

The Kiosk/Cart business venture is much less expensive to enter than the traditional retail store. You can start out part time and if business is slow at one location you can pick up and move to another (with a Cart business) busy street. Upfront investment for a kiosk or a cart can range from just $2,000 to $10,000 and is part of a fore cast $12 billion industry, and expected market growth by 2025.

The Kiosk/Cart business venture is not a new type of business. We have seen them at theme parks, festivals, annual exhibitions with rides and food courts, our corner newspaper stand. I remember my beloved library ‘book mobile’ out in the suburbs. Maybe governments can help closed and bankrupt business owners re-start with this type of business?

Key Points to Observe

  • Make sure you have a Business plan.
  • Research for required licenses or permits at your local city/town hall. Speak to somebody in your local business development center. They exist to help with new businesses.
  • Ensure you can handle working with the public.
  • Research your location prior to setting up shop. Observe the amount of foot traffic. High or medium-high traffic is best.
  • Offer a special 1-hour price special for down times (less traffic hour)
  • Design your Kiosk/Cart for eye appeal. AVOID clutter.
  • Focus on providing outstanding customer service, and a unique retail experience.
  • Do NOT compete with larger retail stores.
  • Set your cart or kiosk shop near complementary stores. Stores that will drive traffic to you and NOT steal traffic. You’re looking to ‘share‘.
  • Kiosks can be found in malls, and will require rent, and may include a percentage of your retail sales but also already provide an existing stand for your specifications whereas a cart is mobile.
  • Both types, cart or kiosk will provide the owner with the opportunity to sell a variety of goods from crafts, wholesale items, or from larger retail stores.
  • Entering this business also offers flexibility and the opportunity to work seasonal times. Offer items for a limited time such as from Christmas through to Fathers day.
  • Review carefully any lease you may have to sign, and all rules and regulations if in a mall. Seek out a lawyer for legal advice, if necessary.

You will need patience to commit to your cart/kiosk store post for long hours (especially if outdoors), have an excellent knowledge of retail and business management, and a flair for designing attention-grabbing displays, a cash register, credit or bank card processor with card tap function, a part-time assistant, dress professionally, comfortable seating, and a mat to protect your feet. Sounds almost like equipment for a trade show. 🙂 I’d suggest a radio too!

Digital products at Peace & Tea Designs

Kiosk Business Ideas

One idea from Becky and Deb, of Save Your Town, offer business and community ideas about how to revive and save their towns. They are a pair that have fantastic ideas for entrepreneurs, and communities. I’m a fan, can you tell? They’re also willing to work with others to help, and they openly share their ten years of knowledge online with articles, podcasts and videos. Visit their site, and Youtube video’s, check them out!

One idea these two ladies shared in their newsletter, was pop-up shops. Using little ‘sheds‘ converted into stores, and located in areas for the public. Again, location is key for success. Further add-on of this idea due to this pandemic, these little pop-up business’ can be easily set up, to include social distancing between them. Maybe add a little area roped off, to extend distancing, near the entrance and help keep customers apart. I hope that makes sense. How would you feel about seeing a set up of tiny stores, in your area? Would you contact your local mayor and suggest such an idea?

fancy business #Kiosks social distancing

Business Closures & Financial Struggles

I believe that all levels of government, should pay attention. They could learn to keep their ears open to suggestions from their citizens, and hear offers and ideas that could help and/or get inspiration, in the recovery of businesses, and our local community economies.

Canadians can look around their communities, and they see the fallout from this pandemic. Many small businesses were forced to close. They were considered as non-essential, and forced into financial hardships. Sure, there were government assistance cheques but did these last as long as the forced shut-downs? This pandemic affected businesses, and national economies, around the world. Changed our lives.

Canadians are asking questions, ‘why did only the big box stores get a free pass?’ The government should really consider having small business owners NOT be forced to fully pay for their business costs, power, equipment rentals, water, waste, insurance, etc. I’d suggest require half payments. They were forced to close for an event not in their control. Literally, an act of God. This type of financial assistance could help revive business and kickstart our economy.

If they were forced into bankruptcy, these small businesses should not suffer further financial hardships, paying debts. If the Canadian government can forgive corporation debts then why not do the same, for small business owners?

non-essential business closures -covid-19 pandemic

Recovering to our New Normal

The pandemic delivered a major blow for society in many areas, and I don’t believe it will be the last one. Contamination is going on all around us, in almost all four directions from industries of all manner. This is an experience we can all learn from, and now set down an improved Emergency preparation plan, for any future (related) event that hits our society.

A government that assists in rebuilding tattered small local businesses recover from the shut-downs, may be able to redeem themselves for incurring such hardships. A second area of focus for small mobile cart, and kiosk business owners, and staff, is security. Maybe the government can have a kiosk for Police officers to be near by? deter ideas of robbing these small business stands.

For now, supporting our local small business owners, to enter an outdoor cart or kiosk business venture, may help towards building a return, to our near former economy. It won’t be perfect, and will have obstacles, such as inclement weather conditions, available spaces to host tiny stores, and people who are anti-mask and anti-vac, all to keep safety measures alive but we can learn to adapt.

All new changes have new learning curves but a work-around is always found. We are an intelligent species and up for a challenge, yes?

Learning in Motion

ways to sell in #Mobile food business and other types of business

Extra Learning Resources

16 Money-Making Mobile Business Ideas

23 Mobile Business Ideas

How to Start a Vending Cart Business

10 Best POS Systems for Small Businesses

Types of POS Systems

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share with others! and leave comments. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!

Article(C)2021 An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


Start a Steam Cleaning Service Business

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start a steam cleaning businessHealthy air is important to all of us both at home, work, school and our world over all. Allergy sufferers can provide a good indication of the air quality. Why start a steam cleaning service business ?

Importance of Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) aka indoor environmental quality (IEQ), can be managed easily with the use of a HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) system which will provide continuous air flow, and exchange, or smaller HEPA air filtration units.  Air is exchanged and flowing therefore preventing build up, and removing dust mites, mold, viruses or fungi, which we know, are not healthy, for our respiratory systems.

Furniture, carpets and any soft surfaces, are also places that can capture dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi. Humans shed dead skin cells quite regularly, which is the food for dust mites. They have a three month life span and leave ‘droppings’ which triggers allergic reactions. These will accumulate wherever we lay and sit the most. I don’t even want to look through a microscope to imagine this scene, do you?

Home Management Dutiessteam cleaning vacuum

Home management, refers to managing our home’s needs, and includes cleaning. This  need could offer a specialized home business service, and become quite valuable, to their customers especially with the current COVID -19 pandemic. Starting a vapor steam cleaning service would contribute to delivering the needed  benefits, of maintaining healthy indoor air quality, next to the HVAC system. A service that would be greatly appreciated by both residential and commercial customers.

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First steps would be to take the time, to delve into research, and develop a detailed business plan, that will provide you with the information, to start up this specialized home service. This could also be used for starting a ‘Car Valet’ steam cleaning service, and set up as, or both, a mobile, or fixed address, service business.

Steam Cleaning Business Equipment

Use of a Vapor steam machine, is best to use for the following reasons;

Water, uses only tap water and NO detergents or harsh chemicals, safe for sensitive allergies
Low moisture, the low moisture content begins to evaporate almost immediately
Dry steam, extremely hot, sanitizes and kills dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi on contact
Surfaces, can be used to clean all sorts of surfaces, just check for heat sensitivity first

The costs, for a Vapor steam machine can be high but the potential financial benefits, to provide this service, for the customers health, is even greater. This business can be set up to offer a servicing schedule, for repeat customers, operate seasonally or periodically, full or part time, day or night hours, residential or commercial, choice to use a crew, and still work from a home office.

Disadvantages in this business may be situations such as ; with use of a crew, collecting payment upon billing, people view cleaners as low status therefore important to provide a professional image (remember Molly maid services?) . Income may be limited by the number of hours you can work in a day or night, if working alone. High importance of good time management skills should include keeping a balance for self-care, and work.

Types of Steam cleaning Equipment

Lease or rent, of a Vapor steam machine may be the best option, to use at the start of this business until there is enough funds, to buy the equipment outright. Use of the smaller home steamer does not have such high temperatures, to guarantee sanitizing, and full removal of dust mites, mold, viruses and fungi. Use of the wet/dry steam machines risk providing moisture beds for mold to take hold, as this system leaves surfaces wet, and uses detergents or chemicals.  A Vapor steam machine will only require a regular vacuuming after steaming, to remove loosened dirt and debris. Which cleaning tool would you prefer?

Other factors to consider is the possible requirement to be bonded, if providing services to commercial offices. Extra earnings can be gleaned from working with other steam cleaners (networking), and remember the importance of maintaining communications, such as with a pager (yeah, old school), an answering machine, or service, so you don’t miss prospective customers, while out delivering your steam cleaning services. It’s a business that can be started with a good business plan, determination,  and a van. Healthy air is a concern to everybody and especially at home, schools, and work especially with Covid-19 floating around.

Learning in Motion

Related Learning Resources

Steam cleaning and your home: how to use steam cleaners in all rooms in your house 

The Easiest Way to Sanitize Your Bed Sheets, According to a Laundry Expert 

14+ Business Plan Templates

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to share your new found knowledge with others. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!

Article (C) 2021 An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us. She is also a VEA available for Hire and includes Writing too! 🙂


Make a Sculpture with Papier Mache

papier mache crafts, holiday, mardi gras, carnaval,
papier mache in history, religion, arts, festivals

The art of papier mache has been used by many cultures, and nations, for ceremonial, decorative, archetectural, utilitarian and even military purposes. Today, papier mache can still be found useful and not just in school but businesses too. Have you considered a fun papier mache sculpture for an upcoming holiday?

Let’s Recycle that Paper

A few key points to consider, and take pride, regarding delving into papier mache art can be found such as:

– recycling paper is part of good environment stewardship
– creativity for a project is boundless and fulfilling
– art is created for display and/or immediate use
– papier mache is open to children and adults

The purpose of a pulp and paper mill, is to create, recover and recycle paper, on a mass scale. We can do our own part in recycling paper with the art of papier mache and produce our own ‘paper product‘. There are artists out there, and I mean, seriously skilled papier mache artists, who can create beautiful and fantastic projects.

Mardis Gras, Fat Tuesday, Carnaval, and Pagan Celebrations

Many different nations, societies and cultures around the world,  each have their own unique holidays. These holidays may get adopted, or shared by, and with, other societies, to eventually become annual events- such as the Mardi Gras -initially celebrated by French colonists in the southern United States, and now a economical, popular ,tourist attraction, for New Orleans.

Mardis Gras origins arise from ‘Carnaval’ celebrated and popular in Brazil, Venice and New Orleans. It evolved from thousands of years back when Pagans ( the Druids?) celebrated spring solstice and fertility.

Holiday Papier Mache Crafts

Papier mache can be used to easily bring to life , all types of creative and artistic ideas whether it is a Pinata, Halloween mask, theater project, decoration, or cool movie prop seen in your latest favorite movie. Parade floats are usually done with papier mache over a pre-shaped wire frame (armature) which can be easily done at home too, with the right materials such as:

– bendable window screen
– foil baking sheets
– tin foil
– chicken wire (for large projects)

You can bend your ‘armature’ into any shape you need and like -then add your layers of papier mache, to your desired thickness but ensure all sides and edges are covered. Gently sand with sand paper to smooth any rough edges, cover with white paint then paint again adding every color you like, and add a protective coating with adding a sealant, to prevent damage from moisture.

The last step is to add embellishments– all colors of feathers,beads,buttons, baubles and all sorts of glam! Some jewellery designers will add a, or a few, layers of colored tissue paper, for a very unique look before sealing their own jewellery designs.

Find your Inner Papier Mache Sculptor

Paper mache projects can be found in festivals but can also be used to create items for you to sell. So, go ahead, do a search on the big Google and see who is making what, with paper mache. It’s all about fun and oh, the amazing creativity! Find something that inspires you to enter the world of papier mache.

Learning in Motion

Extra Reading + Resources

How to Paper Mache – DLTK’s Crafts for Kids  

How to Build a Parade Float

Go for the Gold Letter

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