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14 Rules of #Stranger-Danger

public alert for missing children

Personal safety when out and about whether in public, or rural areas requires your attention. Human predators instinctively recognize easy Prey and always seek opportunity.

Parents share the common goal of maintaining the safety of their children including their adult children. So, we must learn and teach the 14 Rules of #Stranger-Danger.

Teach and Learn the 14 Rules of #Stranger-Danger

  • Don’t talk to Strangers, somebody starts talking to you, and not part of the family, is a stranger. LEAVE, and go to a crowded Public place. Strangers may be nice but does not mean they are friends. Don’t open the door when strangers are knocking especially when home alone.
  • Tell family where you are , tell your parents, and sisters or brothers, where they can find you, and stay there, or let them know again, the new place you’re going, and always leave names, addresses, and phone numbers of your friend(s).
  • Learn the Buddy system, learn the importance of safety in numbers. Teach your children to play with groups of friends, and stay together. Try to leave group with a friend who lives near your own house. Allow your child to call their friends to make sure all made it home, safe.
  • Do not meet with Strangers from telephone calls or Internet, teach your child to never meet with a stranger who calls on the phone or from the internet, no matter how urgent they make it sound. Tell your parents and family about the call quickly and write the time, date, what was said.
  • Only Adults can help adults, teach and learn that children can’t help adults. Learn and teach your child it’s okay to say No, and leave. Run to a place of safety.
  • Secret Code Word, create a secret code word or words for parents and children to be used only by a designated Emergency contact person until parents get home.
  • Stay away from Stranger’s car or truck, teach your children to never go near a strangers car, do not get in, do not look inside. Step back and away from reach of a car or truck windows and doors. A child does not have the strength to match an adult.
  • Scream and Yell for help, teach your child to scream and yell if feeling scared with a stranger. Teach the importance of alerting others nearby for help.
  • Avoid empty and dark places, teach your children by showing them empty lots, abandoned buildings, dark forests, and importance to avoid such places especially when alone. Teach how businesses are closed at nights, figure out together how your children can find help.
  • Trust your Instincts, teach your children they are not fools or dumb. Let them know if something doesn’t ‘feel right‘ that’s when it’s time to leave the area and find help or run to a safe place. Teach that it’s ok to call 911 if your children feel unsafe.
  • Teach their friends, teach your child to share, and talk about the rules of #Stranger Danger. Not every child knows of these rules, and your children can help fill this gap by teaching other children. Include teaching them not to choose who should know such lessons. They are helping save lives.
  • Remember Appearance , teach your child to remember face, clothes, color of hair, size, height, car, truck. It would be a traumatic moment but do their best to remember details. Play memory games spur-of-the-moment to build your children’s recall skills.
  • Designate a Trusted Emergency Contact Neighbor or Family, parents should have alternate place of safety for their children available for an Emergency until able to get home. Designate somebody very trusted and familiar to the children.
  • Call the Police, parents should report all incidents to the Police as soon as possible. Your child may be safe but there are other children in your neighborhood. Police will have it on record and also be aware and on the alert.
child plays alone

Shock of Missing and Murdered Children

News about disappearances, abductions, and/or deaths of missing children is heartbreaking to hear, and worse if it occurs in our own town or city. We, as parents can’t be with them every hour of the day.

We can’t always trust schools, police or church to be safe havens any more these days. If we can teach our children these safety rules we at least give them a chance to survive the unknowns of #stranger danger.

I grew up at the time where children were being abducted, and some later found, deceased, others still missing to this day. Stories appeared almost weekly on front pages of newspapers. It was heartbreaking and horrific. For me ending the tween stage at the time the world was getting scary.

My own personal experience as a latch-key teenager was from a telephone call for a photo shoot. My mother arrived home from work early, and in time to stop me from leaving. She later found out after speaking with my school that there was no photo shoot scheduled that day. This is how I would learn about importance of ‘no talking or meeting with strangers. anywhere’.

latch key kids

Street Smart Safety Programs come to First Nations – MMIWG2S and Every Child Matters

I am an Indigenous mother living in a rural First nation (FN) community. I really had to push our community Family and Childrens Services (FACS) worker to bring #Street Smart program for our children in the community.

The worker didn’t understand for the longest time what I was talking about. The name had been changed to #Stranger Danger. Many FN parents were not taught about this information at Residential schools nor in their home communities. Not all schools offered the program for students about the same time as Indigenous students entered mainstream Public schools.

Canada estimates there are about 45, 288 children that go missing each year. A look at the Missing Children’s Statistics at Government of Canada website – Canada’s Missing shows high numbers of females with males a runner-up, under Runaway and Unknown.

Missing and Murdered -Indigenous Women and Children

Today, FN communities are reeling from shock of unmarked grave sites of children at Residential schools.

Mainstream society has a data base of missing children, teens and adults. We have serial child s. Offenders set free from prisons. We do get notified but is that truly enough?

Step up to do More – Early Beginnings

Contact your local Child and Family Services (FACS) office (or whatever their NEW name is these days), your local MP, Provincial and Federal government officials, schools, and Police to keep funding and running these Child Safety programs, in every school; elementary, middle school and high school. Ensure the rules are memorized for life.

A dairy company, Anderson Erickson Dairy in Des Moines, Iowa would inspire a national USA Missing Child photo campaign printed on Milk cartons in the USA which Canada also adopted. Every milk carton would have photo’s and information about a missing child, description, and message to call the police.

Campaign Evolves – Deny services

Milk Carton Missing Child Campaign

Today, we have the Amber Alert though they have been criticized for not being co-operative to send an alert for an Indigenous child in Canada of 2022.

Is this due to indifference or the current open practice of ongoing racism towards BIPOC Canadian citizens? What does that tell you? Should another separate service be started specifically for BIPOC? is this Segregation of services?

Public education can help ensure each new generation are able to teach their own children. We can do our best to strive for safe neighborhoods where our children can be children. What other ideas do you think could help ensure the safety of our children? other peoples children? help BIPOC children?

Learning in Motion I

Alphabet Safety Tips

Learning in Motion II

Teen rescued after use of Universal Hand Signal

Extra Learning Resources

Block Parent Program of Canada, Inc.

Our Neighborhood Watch

Best personal GPS trackers 2022

35 Best Podcasts for Students in Elementary, Middle, and High School

I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to leave your comments and Share your new found knowledge with others. Use the ‘Ask A Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe to my RSS feed.

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles at AIC|An Informal Cornr about business skills and development, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us. Learn something new 🙂 Tell your Friends! Visit today!


7 Health Forums to Help find Community Support and Answers

7 health forums for community

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a branch of the United Nations. They strive to bring better global health ‘for everyone, everywhere‘. Many of our own healthcare facilities operate with similar goals of the WHO except deliver care at the local community level.

Life deals us with a surprise health issue, and we sit in consternation wondering, what do I do now? Luckily, today we can make online connections either on our own or with a friend.

Let’s talk about 7 Health forums to help you find community support, and answers about health issues.

Desired and Undesired States of Health

Good health, at it’s most basic level refers to the absence of physical, mental, social and spiritual impairment or loss. We arrive in this world in states of optimal health, and it feels like the world is ours, and we run to get our piece of the pie.

I don’t think any of us realize how hard we work our bodies. We then hit our 50’s and suddenly get hit with a disease, disability or other health issue. It’s like a ‘surprise‘ attack from our own bodies and we feel betrayed. We are left feeling lost, struggling to understand just what’s going on with our body. We ask ourselves, what am I supposed to do now?

medical monitor tools

Our World turned Upside down, Inside out

Unfortunately, health is not guaranteed. Our health will change over time, today, tomorrow or in the next hour. Our bodies will go through changes, and we may require medical help from a team of medical professionals such as the following ;

  • our family Doctor
  • nurses
  • diagnostic test staff
  • specialized Doctor
  • specialized health team (physiotherapist, optometrist, etc.)

The idea of facing a personal health diagnosis affects each of us, and we will react. A sense of loss especially our independence, and realizing the need to adjust to a whole new way of life, can be overwhelming and scary.

A good health team will do their best to reassure you but also ‘teach‘ you about what’s going to change, and give directions on the best methods of self-care that you can start to do at home. One’s whole life may be slightly altered but you can adjust and will survive the changes.

Finding Community Support

We are so lucky to have the internet. It connects us to family, new and old friends, co-workers, and even Support groups.

In the case of learning a personal life-changing health issue there are online Health community forums we can join. Some forums are dedicated to specific health issues such as for the Liver, Kidney, Blind, and the Deaf only.

Other health forums will have many ‘communities‘ on the site that are dedicated to various health issues. It is these sites that can offer you a sense of belonging, and help you find answers to questions you may have about your diagnosis, and learn from others.

Some sites have Doctors and health staff on stand-by to answer questions put forward. You don’t have to feel you’re alone.

I would rather interact with others living the experience of the same health diagnosis, and health professionals who have the skills and knowledge.

It’s nice to hear kind words from friends and family but without the facts of the specific health issue at hand, it can be dangerous to maintaining our new state of personal health. It’s important that answers come from qualified medical professionals.

keyboard to join online forums

7 Health Forums to Help find Support and Answers

MD Talks

Where anyone can ask doctors medical questions for free online.

Patient – Community Forums

Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.

Health Unlocked

Take control of your health. Connect with people like you. Get online support 24/7. Visit –> here.

MedHelp – Mens Health Community

A community for people with Men’s Health-related concerns. Ask a question, join a conversation, share experiences.


A new Canadian Health forum looking to build a community filled with health enthusiasts, professionals and people wanting to share their experiences and support.

NatMed Talk

Discussion forum dedicated to natural health. If you want to explore the importance of whole foods, supplements and natural herbal/holistic remedies, please register. You can login directly with your Facebook or Google account.

Health Boards

Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Join the conversation!


Take Caution with Sharing

Forums are free to join. They may counsel you against sharing too much personal medical information publicly to protect you. It’s okay to sit back and read, you’re learning. Posts in the forums will be educational, factual, comforting, and maybe touch of playfulness.

Once again, a health discussion forum should never replace diagnosis and treatment by your own doctor, but it can still help you learn and stay informed about the status of your health. You can also watch Netflix health documentaries to learn more.

Remember, part of your self-care is learning about your health diagnosis, adjusting your way of life accordingly, and sharing with others helps prevent feeling alone. Again, you are not alone and learning is gradual, not an overnight sensation. Stay strong, keep faith, stay safe.

Learning in Motion

Further Reading Resources

Discover a Hobby

Top 10 Virtual Museum Tours

Its Your Turn – Email Games


I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share with others! Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form to make a Request about a topic of your own interest. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles at AIC|An Informal Cornr about business skills and development, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.
