Wow, who would say such things that anyone would believe such a cruel statement? It is not the truth but a huge lie. I think the better question to ask should be, ‘where’s their heart at, to say such things vs offering truly helpful advice? Let’s learn about myth of No High School so no Future.
Unfortunately, today’s world is full of cruel and unkind people who do make such statements. There’s lots of people who are educated and just as equally cruel and unkind and, maybe more so. Others will refuse to ‘share’ information to help change your life. In a psychology article, it states that we can all easily fall into this behavior and is ‘an identical underlying cause to acts of murder and war’.
The worst part is when cruel advice falls upon the ears of our Youths. They are young, inexperienced, and still somewhat dependent upon advice of their ‘elders’ and vulnerable to those they greatly admire. Again, psychology has found abusive people will ‘seek’ out jobs that give them ‘authority’ over others. They will ‘pick and choose’ who does and who does not get ‘benefits’ of such knowledge. It’s always good practice to listen but always ensure your personal safety. People’s actions does reveal their true character.
Quest for Education
Well, there is such a thing as ‘second opinions’ and no shame in keep asking people for help. Rather than ask your neighbors, stop and take a peek in the phone book. Look under ‘Schools’ and you will find lists of local schools but also, ‘alternative, adult or continuing education‘ schools.
For my local area and I’m Indigenous, we have our local Friendship Centre that offers GED classes. I can’t speak for other Friendship centres but they may have people who can help direct the way to a School so you can get a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). It is available for all Canadians, 18 or over and, upon completion, you do get a diploma, and chance to go to college or university. Masters and PhD’s are available with further University courses.
The opportunity to seriously change your life is available and one can also get their GED in prison. Once you’ve got your diploma, second step is deciding, college or university. They do but not all, will accept GED students into their various classes and there’s so many options to choose next to anywhere around the world. This is where you may enter one dream course but over time, we all change jobs, and careers.
The beauty of some courses, such as mine, Nursing. I can use my credits from that program to enter another ‘health’ field. I can build upon my existing higher education for other job areas that may be health related. Doors are not shut on just one career once you get that higher education.
Path to a new future – jobs, skills, careers and knowledge
Secondly, maybe you want a future in a Trade skill. There are jobs in technical and trade skills such as ;
- welders
- brick masonry
- heavy equipment operator
- crane operator
- carpenter
- wind turbine technician
- plumber
- electrician
- millwright
- air craft mechanic
- and many others
Some trade skills can be learned quickly, and then enter an apprenticeship to earn your ‘papers’. These just certify that you have greater skills in the trade and qualify to earn higher pay. Not all apprenticeships are easy to find either especially for entry-level jobs with decent pay.

Go online and browse college and university programs. Check the subjects you will learn, the time it will take. Some college courses can be 2-3 years depending on the course. Pay attention to the other types of jobs you can get with that education background. Try to set your future to be open to other job fields. Don’t depend on one job.
Explore job sites online for your planned ‘dream‘ job. Take a look at the pay, job duties, skills required, education requirements, etc. This is to boost your knowledge in building your future.
Today’s world is unpredictable. One may love a particular job field but find their employer is unbearable. Pay attention to employers with high turn-over and always hiring as there’s usually a reason for that to be happening. Nobody wants to find themselves in a ‘toxic‘ work environment.
Entrepreneurship and the Mature Student
Third, you can take a business course, and learn how to start your own business. They are the ones who provide jobs for others. They provide services or products for the public, other businesses, or to the government. Again, do your research. You may find a business that succeeds and will survive for the long term.
Due to this pandemic. Classes have been held online. This may still be ongoing and available, and you may notice options for full or part-time classes. Sometimes, as a student, a part-time job is needed for the extra income. Also, if you fail a class or classes – this isn’t the end. You can re-enroll in those classes to complete your diploma requirements. 🙂

Fourth, enter college as a mature student. You’ll take a test that basically measures your educational level to check if you are able to finish the program. If you’re unsure of your ability, go online and find free courses that will help build your educational knowledge. Yes, there are FREE courses online too.
College to University and Funding
Fifth, you’re able to use your college credits to transfer to University courses too. There are agreements between college and university institutions that accept transferring credits. All you basically need to start is a copy of your transcripts. Many students and graduates have taken advantage of this option for their higher learning journey. You can too!
A search for funding your education journey can be intimidating too. We hear about school debts, the starving student, rent rates, etc. Don’t let this scare you away. Learn to step up to those ‘unknowns’ and seek for answers. There are government loans, grants, bursaries.
Monies are available once you know where to look. Speak with a college representative to find out what financial aid options are available. Never let fear stop you from building a new future. Only You are the Captain of your own destiny.
Learning in Motion
Reading Resources
Adult learning: General Education Development (GED) certificate
Canadian General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
Confederation College Programs and Courses
Do you still believe there’s no future? It’s not true. It will begin with you and only you. Once the first step of classes and passing the tests, and your Diploma is in hand. You get to plan your future and make your world as wonderful as you. Don’t be shy to look in the mirror and tell yourself, ‘we got this’.
I hope you found this article informative and gained some new insight. Please feel free to Share with others! Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form to make a request on a topic of your own interest. I hope you visit again for more informative articles coming soon. Stay safe!