People starting out and entering the business world are aware they are entering a realm that will require their utmost attention to details.
Especially the solo business owner. Organization of your office must be set in place and controlled to maintain your peak productivity, efficiency and peace of mind.
The business professional must be able to easily manage the following ;
- Space, set up and lay out of the office for maximum and efficient use of lighting, traffic, noise and comfort.
- Time, manage time efficiently to maintain productivity, develop action plans, define priorities, schedule and address new and old tasks, delegate tasks and activities.
- Paper, know how to respond and deal with incoming materials for filing, storage and toss plus maintain and protect confidentiality.
- Clutter, prevent the accumulation of clutter and retain continuous order.
- Storage, design and organize storage for the business.

Stay Organized in your Home Business
Procrastination and ignoring these areas will result in developing high stress, inefficiency and sense of being overwhelmed. Learning the self-discipline to maintain order in the office environment will relieve you of stress and make your job more enjoyable.
Fortunately, there are answers all around you on the internet, in town or in the city and even people you may know that you can ask or visit to help solve which ever current trouble area you may be having at the time. There are always answers and is just a matter of looking around and asking.
Tips to Plan your Order
The following are some tips for the business owner and learning to use research of your available tools, advice and strategies will help boost productivity, efficiency and success;
Hate-to-Do List, tasks that are not enjoyable should be done and out of the way first. This will help break the habit of procrastination.
To Do List, prioritize this particular list in order of importance for business related duties.
Shopping, use second hand furniture to save yourself money until you can afford the new.
Storage, use old school lockers, second hand items, shelves, stackable totes and crates in the closet to handle inventory and materials.
Paper, a filing system should be in place for fast and easy access, set a filing hour or designate a family member to help. Check legalities on storage of business information before destroying. Save on paper with digitizing documents and sending as email attachments. Keep copies of all documents.
Alarm clock, use an alarm clock to set specific time for a specific task as a reminder.
Planner, leave yourself notes of unfinished tasks, and reminders. Learn to plan ahead.
Financials, A key filing system needs to be in place to effectively operate your business within your budget. Maintaining up-to-date financial information will help you efficiently manage your cashflow and know immediately if you can take advantage of any opportunities that may rise, or introduce new products to boost incoming cash flow. Safeguard all your financial information with paper copies (hard copy) and digital copies. Finances are the ‘backbone‘ of your business.
You, take care of yourself as you are the business operator, and need to maintain your health. Maintain healthy eating and sleeping habits, and learn to schedule leisure activities just like a business appointment. Mark it in your Planner! 🙂
Success follows the Order
The toast to your business success will rise as long as you the business owner are able to conduct yourself in a orderly fashion, and maintain control over the business environment thus maintaining your own productivity and self content.
Careful planning, and scheduling of your various business duties will help keep your stress levels to a minimum. Do remember to give yourself ‘breaks’ where you can focus on exercise or meditation for self-care plus take a snack break.

The shopping for all the office equipment, files, communication tools, and other office furniture and accessories will help bring a sense of freedom, and again, Peace. You will ‘know’ where to find whatever is needed in an instant.
A good secretary is trained in the office environment and can easily further organize the office for efficiency and productivity, for her/his own duties. Communication between you two will always meet needs of both parties.
Learning in Motion
Extra Learning Resources
10 Highly Organized Home Office Ideas
17 Office Essentials to Set up an Efficient Home Office
Plan Your Office Design With RoomSketcher
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AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.