Tag Archives: how to

How can I support my Family?

how to, support family, home biz, side job, extra money
work at home and earn

The cost of living in Canada, has risen to points of being seemingly near unattainable, to enjoy a quality life. So, ‘how can I support my family?’

People struggle to put food on the table, pay rent, car payments, bus fare, daycare, etc. Costs for supporting a family may be more! due to meeting needs for other members, besides just ourselves. Stress sets in and that daily nagging question, how can I support my family?

Today, many families have dual incomes where both parents work, and share financial responsibilities of managing the bills. Some families will have the ‘main‘ breadwinner role,  and brings home a higher pay, and their spouse may work only part-time hours, to bring extra monies, to help reduce the financial stress, gain possible savings and still provide, a parental presence for their children.

payhip digital services platform
ayhip – sell digital products

Where to begin?

A business will flourish, when it meets a ‘need‘. We look around and figure, all the needs are being met, shoe store, clothing store, grocery store, etc., and we find that we are unable to compete with them, but, not all services are met.

A few steps to begin;

  • Examine your own skills, write them down.
  • Examine your spouses skills, write them down.
  • What do you enjoy doing most? Write them down.
  • What does your spouse enjoy most? Write them down.
  • Write down a list of all your bills, add them all up for the monthly total.
  • How much extra money would help make life easier?
  • Can you sell one of your skills, as a service, to others?

Design a Service Business

Success, in selling your services can be found, by learning to ‘market‘, to a larger group of people, interested in your service skills, and who will become your clients. This can be done with a good ‘promotion‘ campaign, of your services whether on simple bulletin boards, online at Craigslist, using classified ads, or simple but attractive flyers. Friends can also help with simply passing the word along about your services.

Let’s examine a sample ad and outcome;’

sample ad

A client looking for a light housekeeper may be thrilled and call immediately but require your services only twice a week and expect you done within 2 hours, every Tuesday and Thursday. This adds up to $60.00 per day, ($30.00 per hour x2 = $60.00 per day). $60.00 x 2 = $120.00 per week earnings.

Let’s say, another client also calls, and again, may require the same schedule of 2 hours, but 1 hour on Mondays and Wednesdays. 1 client ($30.00 x 2 days) =$60.00, a week or with 2 (clients), same math,you are earning an extra $120.00 per week, x 4 weeks (one month) = $480.00.

Setting your own Schedule

Providing this type of ‘service’ can also be set up, to suit your own schedule. Let’s examine the following sample ‘day planner’ set for working mornings only, 4 days a week, with 4 clients ;

a weekly work planner schedule

The numbers will vary when holidays are involved but if required by clients, you can ask for a higher price and it’s very important, to know your local labour laws. Do not under sell your services or self worth. Success can be found in selling ONE service and finding a few ‘clients’ who want your service.

 Reputation Management and Safety

A major concern with clients will be, TRUST.  Nobody wants theft or destruction of their goods and/or property.  Police will be called and charges laid. It may be important to consider working with a trusted partner to protect your own innocence, in the event the client files ‘false’ allegations, so they don’t have to pay you. It does happen. Always good to stay safe.

Additional steps you can take towards building trust is to apply to be bondable. This is when you apply to an insurance agent for a ‘bond’. It guarantees you are safe and trustworthy to your clients or employer.

Yes, payments are required, and it’s best to do research and ‘comparison’ shopping with your insurance agent or other related financial advisor, so you can get the best protection, and price.

A last note about applying to be bondable. You can easily lose it with the following:

  • a criminal record
  • poor credit/tax history
  • delinquent payment accounts

The other step is to provide a Criminal background report. It is not a guarantee but one way to prove you’re at least not a criminal. Lastly, you can ask clients if they’d like to give out Reference letters to others who may be interested in your services. A gold trophy indeed.

Work is Available, look in the Mirror and see You

One sample job has been used but there are many other ‘service‘ jobs that you can offer depending upon your skills. Watch the slide show!  You may just want to work part time at the corner store , and still offer your own skills, as another part-time job too.

The scheduling will be in your hands, how much you want to earn, how many days you want to work, how many clients will you need. It’s important to keep to your schedule or lose your clients, and ‘business’ reputation. Do a little research ahead of time about ‘business’ development and management skills.

Learning Presentation – Visit link πŸ™‚

More presentations from Gin

Reading Resources


CBDC Business Plan

How to Use Daily Planners Effectively

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments! or share with your Friends who may find this article helpful. Use the β€˜Ask a Question’ form and request a topic of your own interest for an upcoming Post.

AIC| An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us. She is also a VEA available for Hire πŸ™‚


Newbies Guide to Make a Website

newbies guide to make a website
how to make a web site

Creating a website seems like a planet far, far away from us. An area somewhat vague and unknown yet a daily part of our lives with all the connected devices we have in our homes and carry with us as we go about your day.

Now, how would we get our own website out there? can I get a website too? Answer, Yes! it can be done!

Let’s explore the idea and what’s available out there so we can make a website for blogging or eCommerce, or other available options.

Building a Website

A website put together by yourself will give you a great sense of pride and accomplishment. As mentioned, it may seem as a task only for professionals but it really can be a simple experience and life lesson. A lot of web design programs can be simple copy, drag and paste programs, and these are included in a Web Host’s cPanel dashboard.

I’d also recommend if you can’t afford paying for a Web Host, check out a free web host, where you can eventually upgrade to paying for your own domain. Do be aware there are people who do not recommend using ‘Free’ sites but not everybody can afford immediate payments for a full domain host. There are many free web hosts available such as the following site :

web hosting

I have found Free Web Hosting has worked well over all with zero downtime and notified when it’s scheduled. Their assistance was wonderful when I eventually upgraded my site to it’s own domain. I have any questions, I send a ‘Ticket’ which is responded to quickly and they help me make understanding ‘geek’ a lot easier. Give them a trial run. πŸ™‚

Extra Web Host Features

  • A web host may offer other web building programs. One hugely popular site for blogging is WordPress and it can be ‘launched’ quickly and easily.
  • They will assign you an ‘account name’ for your FTP program (FTP – File Transfer Protocol). You may have to download a third party FTP program too, such as, CuteFTP, Cerberus, Fetch onto your own computer.
  • A web host will have a ‘cPanel’ dashboard with various ‘tools’ and ‘programs’ which can provide further options to explore while learning to navigate your cPanel.
  • Other building tools you can use or build, include Classifieds, Forums, eCommerce, along with other blogging platforms such as Joomla.

A few of the ‘tools’ found inside your web host ‘panel’ will have strange names, such as ‘My SQL’, PHP, file manager or htaccess generator. Consider them as ‘attached’ to your WordPress or other site, as they are used to store the files to operate these sites. They are important and strong password to your cPanel will help protect them.

You may need to enter these areas to ‘tweak’ your site. Again, your web host will assign you, or recommend for your account, a ‘name’ and strong Passwords for security reasons. I’m sure you don’t want to get ‘hacked’. You will also usually find a ‘Back Up’ area in the ‘cpanel’ and you must use this regularly, in the event you’re ‘blocked’ from entry to your web site. A back up will help restore your site to it’s original place and appearance. WordPress also has plug-ins that can back up your site also from their dashboard.


a Web Host cPanel

Research to Begin your Website

The skills you gain and knowledge you learn along the way are beyond priceless and you will enjoy this project. I assure you, that this is one very fun skill to learn, which you will also be able to share or offer to others, for a reasonable fee. For myself, I prefer an affordable annual payment and just need to pay attention to ‘dates’ for renewal.

I highly recommend that you research and read all you can about web hosts, WordPress, or other program you’re considering. Being duly informed and educated will help make your entry into the world of web sites less painful or frustrating.

Understanding the basics of Coding such as CSS, PhP, hex color codes, etc., helps you to be able to ‘change and tweak‘ your web site over all design. It also gives you confidence when entering those areas with your web site coding source. I preferred to keep my site as minimal as possible and hopefully not make anybody ‘bug eyed’ from the blue light of computers.

A last note that I’ve learned in regards to changes and tweaks to your site. Keep a RECORD of those changes such as ;

  • the date
  • time
  • file name
  • line number
  • code snippet changed, or added
  • and keep a copy of the original code

A record will help you quickly UNDO any unforeseen wreckage of your website and it’s broken. Your record can quickly point you to where you need to return the original code which you can fix inside your cPanel and domain files. Yes, I broke my website a time or two and it’s not fun but I was able to repair it too. πŸ™‚

Learning in Motion

Further Learning Resources


How do I Protect my Website from Content Theft?

What is Malicious Code: A Comprehensive Guide

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and Share with friends and family. Use the β€˜Ask a Question’ form and make a request, on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to my RSS feed.

An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology and society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.
