All posts by Ginsense

About Ginsense

Ginsense loves to share knowledge in business, science, health, environment, advocating for improving our lives next to working quietly on embroidery projects.

What’s the Alcohol Doing to You?

A 2012 survey revealed that alcohol is consumed by 75% of Canadians. So, what is the alcohol doing to you?

Alcohol is considered as a drug. Alcoholism is a term used to signal the variety of conditions involved with alcohol abuse or dependence.

Alcoholism is considered to be one of the major drug problems in Western society even though it’s been in society for thousands of years for some societies.

Types of Alcoholics

We must also realize that not every alcoholic is the same. Another landmark study (2007), done by The National Institute on Alcoholic Abuse and Alcoholismcreated categories on the sub-types of the alcoholic such as, Young Adult, Young Anti-Social, Functional, Familial (mental illness), Chronic Severe but also includes the ‘high functioning‘ alcoholics, those able to function within their responsibilities, lead a double life.

A few addictions experts are suggesting that 75% -90% are high functioning alcoholics. Shall we learn the the effects of alcohol?

Progression of Alcoholism

Alcoholism progresses the same for every alcoholic and will reveal itself, at different rates. After all, as said earlier, no alcoholic is the same. Alcohol crosses the ‘blood-brain‘ barrier and changes brain cells affecting the central nervous system (CNS) and see or hear the following indications;

  • the brain slows the body down (depressant), prolonged alcohol abuse can permanently impair brain and nerve function
    altered speech
  • foggy memory
  • hazy thinking
  • slurred speaking
  • impaired co-ordination
  • affects the heart, leads to hypertension, heart disease, heart failure and stroke
  • breathing patterns will slow or stop
  • cirrhosis of the liver, scarring the tissue leads to impaired function
  • damage to organs, heart, brain, liver, stomach
  • reduced resistance to infection
  • lower reproductive function and/or impotence/infertility
  • mixing alcohol with other drugs and medications can be fatal

Behaviors of Alcoholism

The behaviors of an alcoholic will depend on the stage of their addiction. There are different definitions for the stages of alcoholism but most will contain the following qualifying criteria:

  1. Social drinker, one or two drinks a day, enough for euphoria
  2. Non-Social drinker, to reduce stress, first sign of dependency, urge to drink at stressful events
  3. Frequent Relief, to escape, stress, feelings, guilt, seek to diminish senses, may steal alcohol
  4. Daily Routine, memory blackouts, hidden drinking (mix beverage with alcohol), tolerance to alcohol effects rises
  5. Full Dependence, find reasons to drink (opportunist), defensive to offers of help, unpredictable mood and behavior changes, loses control over responsibilities, lies, manipulative, avoidance behaviors, tremors,
  6. End Stage, alcohol obsession, deteriorating health, eats less, resents interference, emotionally unpredictable, seizures, tremors, cirrhosis of the liver, dementia
  7. Death
say NO to drugs
say NO to drugs

Differences in Effects of Alcohol for Gender

Differences in body and weight will create differences in tolerance. One person with low body fat will feel effects of alcohol less than a person with higher body fat. A woman has less of the enzyme dehydrogenase (an enzyme that moves a substance to a hydrogen acceptor for break-down), in their stomach.

Also, women tend to have higher body fat and lower water content in their body. Over all, the less you weigh, the more quicker one feels the effects of alcohol. Our bodies can only break down one alcoholic drink per hour.

Personality Changes of Alcoholism

The stages of alcoholism brings personality changes that can range from mild to outright dangerous with the loss of inhibitions.

  • Negative emotions are intensified and responses are apparent with knee-jerk reactions.
  • Paranoia, delusions and hallucinations can lead to endangering self and others. This is due to reduced blood flow to regions in the brain.
  • Aging organs, including the brain, decrease their ability to withstand the effects of alcohol.
  • Medical treatment and neurogenesis may help to resolve these effects but further study is needed.
  • Long term alcohol abuse can still lead to varying degrees of lasting brain damage and/or eventual death.
  • Recovery from alcohol abuse also has a place and begins with first admitting, a problem exists.

Recovery from Alcoholism

A visit to your doctor can helps towards repairing the physical effects. Visiting an alcohol treatment centre and/or Addictions professional, can help towards further understanding your addiction cycle and triggers helps toward learning and applying the available options, to change your life.

Lasting friendships and support can be found through joining Alcoholics Anonymous, AA. One just has to be aware that even if alcohol is removed, one may still exhibit ‘dry drunk‘ behaviors.

The purpose of AA is set up as a ‘self-help‘ group of recovering alcoholics (remove and abstain from alcohol from their daily life) who help support each other, and new members. They help you understand and overcome your dependence and abuse.

Serenity Prayer - AA
Serenity Prayer – AA

Gaslighting – Lies and Truth of Reputation

People have said some bad things about AA but being a member myself, I’ll just say this, you will meet the right people who are ‘strong‘, and with years of sobriety. You’ll have the best down-to-earth, ‘real‘ people for friends. True friends.

They are not a ‘cult‘ but fear drives people to run away, and ‘demonize‘ others even if in reality, they are good people. AA members ‘know‘ that ‘place‘ too.

People do run away from ones who have ‘emotions‘. Sometimes, too much gentleness and kindness breaks down psychological ‘walls‘ we hide behind especially after years of abuse. Alcoholism is known to be accompanied with a mental illness.

Relapse and Forgiveness

Over all, recovery is a choice available to everyone and which can lead, to helping others step out of their own alcohol addiction. You may become strong, and asked to become a ‘Sponsor‘. A chosen ‘Mentor’ to help one through learning to walk the Path of Sobriety.

One last note, people do have relapses and drink again. Some will return, and others move away. Those who are strongest with years of sobriety will help teach, encourage to learn, forgiveness.

Friends will forgive the relapse and welcome you back but most of all, you will learn to forgive yourself, and not be ashamed. Nobody is perfect, it doesn’t exist.

Learning in Motion

how alcohol changes the body

Extra Learning Resources

National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Alcoholics Anonymous

Al – Anon Family Groups

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AIC| An Informal Cornr all rights reserved. Ginsense creates and posts articles online about business development, micro business, health, science, technology and social issues.



Why find Poverty in Canada?

why find PovertyThe economy of one’s nation depends on the decision and flow, of what types of goods and services to offer, how they are created, and who is the market.

Economic problems are faced by many societies around the globe but even the ‘wealthier’ nations face poverty. We see or hear people tumbling from high salary jobs to work in minimum wage positions, or none. So, why find Poverty in Canada?

Exploring Government Policies

 The exploration begins with examining government policies and business. Consumer sovereignty refers to how price movements provide signals for profiting off goods. Low or falling price goods are limited and high or rising price goods, are increased.  Almost sounds like ‘money gouging‘ of the people, yes?

hi buy = hi price = profits

It’s believed that the pursuit of one’s own interests will serve the interests of all. This only serves those who can afford the higher price goods and leaves a number behind, unable to purchase these same goods. An inequality and gap is created and political conservatives believe that the poor create their own plight.

Poverty is defined as ‘the condition of not having enough income to maintain a standard of living regarded as normal in a community‘ (Gage Canadian dictionary). As we know, income refers to the amount of money one receives.

Employment Policy and Unemployment

People exchange their labor and skills for pay which once disrupted, can bring huge changes to self and family’s over all, change their quality of living standards, regardless of education and skills. Take a pause and ask, who truly benefits with this action?


The employment policy in Canada relies on their fiscal, monetary and trade policies. When the government spends less than it receives this causes economic activity to decline.  Unfortunately, lowering the national debt also becomes a main concern, that must also be resolved. Definitions of these policies are as follows:

    • Monetary policies, refers to altering the nation’s level of interest rates and money supply. Low interest rates is used to encourage business investments, economic growth and an increase in money supply makes loans easier to obtain.

    • Fiscal policies refers to how government uses their powers of taxation, spending and borrowing to stimulate or dampen the nation’s economy.

    • Trade policy, used by federal and provincial government, they promote Canadian exports with the goals of job creation and increased income.

    • Employment policy is the use of all the above policies but includes tools such as incentives in tax investments, capital gains exemptions and government grants for retraining.

The management of these policies and tools available to the government will indicate their creativity or lack of, to move or limit the nation’s economic activity. Whatever goes on at the top trickles down, so if there’s help for business owners to operate, train and prosper, jobs can get created and/or maintained. Still, there’s also zero consequences when businesses spend those monies elsewhere (i.e., CEO bonus’s)

only good govt helps builds jobs

Today, Canada ‘s government has implemented corporate tax cuts that have gone from 21% (2006) to 15% (2012) and jobs continue to be outsourced. How does this help build employment for Canadians? Well, the Conservative government states benefits will occur, about ten years later. Job growth in Canada was in reality, less, due to  job growth in other nations.

Follow the Government $$ Cuts

Corporations are benefiting with record tax savings AND pulling the Canadian employment growth down. (Behind the Numbers, 2011 (PDF), by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives). Further funding cuts to ‘balance the budget‘ were FROM various social programs that had helped towards building and/or improving Canadians quality living standards. This practice has monies going from the people to the government.

Poverty can be found at various levels in society. A few factors that contribute to poverty can be on those that live in remote areas with little or low job opportunities, low natural resources/agriculture potential, and politically disadvantaged groups.

Unfortunately, Canada has a huge land mass with scattered communities not receiving and/or accessing equal services, compared to the larger urban cities. It’s difficult to cheer on the Canadian government participating in reducing global poverty, when Canadian citizens are living in poverty.


The holidays arrive and pass, days blur one into the other and survival is the priority of the day. While politicians sit home in security and comfort, ready for the holidays, many Canadians in poverty, are walking along, shivering in the cold, seeking their next shelter for the night. A parent stands in line at the local food bank, youths think about crime vs jail, children depending on their parents.

The experience, levels and journeys of poverty may be new for one yet a constant companion for others. Maybe, the next election will bring a new government and change the status, maybe a more Humane government will step up.

Canadians Wealth Gap

For now, those in poverty today ; food, shelter and safety are their priorities. How did the ancient Mayans manage to feed and house their WHOLE population (1491-New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus)? Do you help those living in poverty? What do you think can help bring change? Let us know!

Extra Learning

Free Cycle

Campaign 2000| End Child and Family Poverty in Canada

 Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

 PovNet – Building an Online Anti-Poverty Community

Learning in Motion

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and share your own observations or experiences. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe by email or RSS feed.

AIC|An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


Why Incite Domestic Genocide?

state genocide, united nations, human rights violations
why incite domestic genocide?

Laws are created to govern human behavior and enforced through institutions, such as law enforcement and judicial offices, to maintain peace and order. These laws are rules and guidelines designed by government or evolve as precedents by Judges.

What about laws created by governments to specifically ‘target’ and deny Rights to specific citizens or groups, for political or financial gain? Who now protects these citizens from their own government, and allows acts of ‘domestic’ genocide to be freely conducted ?

minorities of color

Study of Genocide

Rafal (Raphael) Lemkin had visited war torn nations where acts of genocide had been committed. He was the first to coin the Greek-Latin term ‘genocide’: ‘geno’ translated means ‘race, people’ and ‘cide’ in latin, means ‘to kill’. His experience with ‘group exterminations‘ led to writing his book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.

Mr Lemkin would help orchestrate the introduction of the draft resolution for the ‘Genocide Convention’ treaty’, with support from the USA, to the United Nations, which was adopted December 9, 1951. It has withstood time and referenced for major cases of genocide.

Partial Acceptance of the Genocide Convention

The Genocide Convention did not fully accept ALL recommendations of Mr. Lemkins draft. He had tried to include ‘non-physical‘ aspects which referred to the ‘pschological‘ effects from acts of genocide that wasn’t related to outright murder.

This referred to acts such as ‘ a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.

The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group’ and he also includes the following;

“Genocide has two phases: one, destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group; the other, the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor. This imposition, in turn, may be made upon the oppressed population which is allowed to remain or upon the territory alone, after removal of the population and the colonization by the oppressor’s own nationals.”

Intl Criminal Court HQ - The Hague-Netherlands

Methodology of Genocide

Mr. Lemkin believed that acts of genocide required ‘techniques‘ that would affect a people as a whole, such as the Russian genocide. Ukrainians died and suffered during a deliberate ‘famine‘ consequently wiping out five million Ukranians and ‘Ukranian Nationalism‘.

Lemkin considered this as wiping out a culture and nation. He stated how techniques could be used in other areas, to diminish a groups’ politics, social, cultural, economic, biological, physical self (endangering health, mass killing, religious) and/or their moral beliefs.

Two scholars from Canada, Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn, would also draw their own observations on the subtle motives and characteristics of genocidal acts, categorized in the following;

Ideological, creating a society to hold ONE belief, race and culture
Retributive, steps are taken to eliminate real or imagined threats. Dominant group is in fear of rebels and/or outright rebellion.
Developmental, steps are taken by a dominant group, for economic gain.
Despotic, terror is spread against real or imagined threats.

Formation of the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is considered one of mankind’s great achievements. It was set up to encourage governments from around the world to work together to keep world peace next to advancing economic partnerships, international laws, security, social progress, a podium for nation-to-nation discussions and protect human rights, on a global scale.

United Nations - Peacekeeper

It is an institution that has fantastic ideals but in reality, has become considered impotent, an office only for ‘prestige‘ and offers NO true protection. Most of the UN Military personnel  aka the ‘Blue Helmets‘ and UN Peacekeepers are called upon for Peace operations such as ;

    • protection of civilians and UN staff
    • monitoring of border challenges
    • monitor and observe Peace processes in post-war zones
    • provide security in conflict zones, and during elections
    • help host nation military with training and support
    • help former combatants through a Peace process

Unresolved Acts of Domestic Genocide

Domestic genocide (Kuper, 1985) is a problem that’s been found to exist yet remains un-addressed. It refers to ‘acts of genocide committed within a state/Province by citizens of the state/Province‘.

Prosecutions for these particular act(s) of genocide are ignored therefore begs the question, should those in knowledge , giving permission, be considered as ‘complicit‘, to the various forms of genocide being enacted? A definition of complicity is, a ‘partnership, or one is privy, shares criminal participance‘.

Atrocities have been committed and continue in this day and age (Rwanda, Darfur, Kurds, Yemen, America’s, etc). Acts and violations against others, have evolved, are practiced and explained (excused?)  away but are the very forms of genocide, that are NOT included, in the Genocide Convention. Do you see, and understand what minorities see, live through daily?

Indifference to Suffering of Minorities

Why allow citizens to hate on their fellow citizens regardless of gender, culture, ethnicity, race, belief, etc.? It seems to only grow, when there’s silence from government, no protective laws, or legal consequences,  just do NOT exist.

Canada, and the United States of America, have increases of crimes against minorities from not just fellow citizens but from the Police, and other ‘appointed‘ groups. Deaths are included and near zero consequences.

Many of Canada’s own laws include a ‘no liability‘ clause, and zero consequences for maltreatment of minorities within their own law enforcement, government offices, and courts. Harms against minorities when interacting with Police can, and does escalate leading to death. Canada’s own prisons have high incarceration rates of BIPOC.

It’s a good step towards letting a nation tear itself apart and opportunity for government to herald in, stricter Authoritarian laws for ‘reactions‘ of victims vs ‘behaviors’ of the abuser/criminals. Do you see anything wrong with this system?

detention centres for migrants

Examining Criminal Behavior

Criminal studies have documented that criminals look for ‘avenues of ample opportunity‘, to commit or hide their crimes. They are opportunistic and predatory therefore prey on those considered ‘weak‘.

One perspective not reported is that ‘minorities‘ see the ‘criminal‘ behaviors in government especially when the government creates laws that ‘violate‘ existing laws of the land (our Constitution) with impunity (safe from legal punishment) for themselves. They have a ‘Free’ pass from consequences and punishment of the law.

The spirit of the Magna Carta, designed to include the government under the rule of law has in effect been abolished with ‘no liability‘ clauses in our laws protecting them.

So, when people with criminal behaviors enter government offices, and start creating legislated hardships, on a specified citizenry, where are the people expected to turn for help? Or they’re threatened with loss of freedoms (prison), when their acts are not criminal or harmful towards others? i.e., Indigenous activists

A Feasible Solution

The Genocide Convention should create an ‘Addendum‘ to include the ‘psychological‘ and ‘subtler‘ acts of genocide, found, seen, experienced and recommended by Mr. Lemkin, Mr, Chalk and Mr. Jonassohn.

Some failures or a few obstacles, in the areas of immunity, jurisdiction, extradition, and definition, have prevented prosecution of these crimes. Why is it hard to agree upon, any person entering another nation will abide and fall under their laws vs using ‘excuses’ to give crimes a Free pass?

Members of the UN agree to uphold UN conventions within their own nations, it should be assumed, they shall adjust their own nations’ laws accordingly, to follow a new ‘addendum‘ of the UN to have protections in place for minorities.

Leaders want their people and others accountable but they too, should return the favor, and be accountable to the People.

people want Peace

Pointlessness of Arguing to go Nowhere

A major obstacle has been providing a ‘precise‘ definition of genocide. Many reports and studies have been provided but no decision made as to specifying the term. It must include both the ‘intent to destroymotive of the perpetrator as well as the ‘group characteristic’ of the victims.

Meanwhile, studies and reports about the many forms of motives and characteristics have been provided! Incessant arguments about accepting and settling upon a final decision, on the definition of genocide, continues to leave many victims helpless to attacks and extreme lack of legal recourse. What could ‘criminals‘ do, sitting in as UN members? We can look to our own prisons to see what the outcome could be.

I’d really suggest looking at their ‘list’ of motives and characteristics together, and easily find the ‘word’ needed for the ‘definition’ they seek. Use a thesaurus, or ask a Psychiatrist too. An interesting definition can be found vs sitting on the idea, letting crimes fly by, and allowing personal ‘pride’ be an obstacle.

Laws and People can Evolve

A few nations have listened to their citizenry over the years and enacted laws considered beneficial for society, as a whole. New criminal laws and punishments are created and continue to evolve due to technological advances, and arising new crimes. This too, should be a goal of the United Nations, EVOLVE into a better institution with updating their own laws, especially in the area of criminal laws.

Paying attention to new, and questioning rescinded protective laws, of developed nations, could help develop inspiration towards their own law creation and updates.

A need to build a better mousetrap, seems always ongoing but there’s no such thing as ‘perfect‘. Laws evolve with society, some good, some not but they are not written in stone. There’s always room to change and adjust as time goes by, but help from the United Nations, in keeping with their mandate, should always be immediately available to the oppressed. Where have you seen acts of domestic genocide?

Learning in Motion

Related Reading

Genocide Watch

Convention on Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

The Genocide Education Project

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and share your thoughts. Use the Ask a Question form to send me a email, if you have a request for a topic of your interest, would like a guest post, or to just say Hello!

AIC|An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense creates and posts articles online about business development, micro business, health, science, technology and social issues.
