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Conversations to teach Civic Engagement

Conversations start here
Conversations start here

It’s amazing how one little conversation can change things forever.

Conversation is the ‘exchange of thoughts through informal talking‘, together, but there is also the other quote, ‘talking to oneself‘.

Speaking about ‘civic engagement‘ refers to talking and working as a group (use of collective power) to bring about change in public issues of concern.

Either way, it’s to examine or share, a topic of interest. Discussing a specific topic can lead to learning various outcomes and who’s best for what task.

Discussing Civics with your Family

Meeting at the table has been a favored gathering point and event for family and friends. Conversation can be considered the ‘toast of the party’! Would you agree?

Civics refers to the duties, rights and privileges of citizens. Parents can introduce this topic during evening dinner meals, and discuss with their children, just what is and what isn’t allowed since society has it’s norms, rules and laws, along with the consequences.

Children can learn from these discussions and hopefully, avoid glamorizing or considering, criminal behaviors or acts. It’s preferable to begin with asking questions, to measure the amount of knowledge and starting point versus entering preach or lecture mode.

Learning gets Shared

Parents take on many roles for their children, and one is, as a teacher. Helping children understand their place in society, will help towards developing the child’s personal and intellectual growth.

In turn, they will be able to pass on these lessons learned at home, to their friends. They will also be learning the beginning steps of civic ‘engagement‘. The ability to discuss, as individuals yet act as a collective group, to achieve or address, public concerns.

Parent and child conversations can help develop a child’s intellect and learning to use reason, gain understanding and separate, real from the imaginary, and ground the ego. After all, society works together to uphold their norms, rules, regulations and laws, to function as a nation, and remain in a state of peace, with each other. A child learning this knowledge and skills can develop into a socially well -adjusted adult.

Short on Energy or Time

A few parents may find, they do not spend or make for, any quality time with their children other than giving directions and reinforcing rules. This can be detrimental for both parent and child along with making for a bad day.

Socially maladjusted children can usually be observed as those with behaviors and values that conflict with society norms. Abuse and neglect can have lifelong consequences on a child, which can easily be observed by trained education, and mental health professionals. Local laws may require any suspicions of child abuse and neglect, to be reported.

The idea of teaching a child about rights and responsibilities of adults, and children may be daunting for parents. This can be resolved by taking time, to research the subject online, or visiting the library.

Importance of Open minds, Patience and a Safe environment

A conversation with our child is a two or more person orchestra vs a one-sided conversation, allow for all to contribute. It takes skill to shape and guide a conversation to create meaning, learning and thinking. We can’t forget a dose of humor can lighten a conversation and add fun.

A meaningful conversation in a family can take place when trust and safety exists. Let your next dinner conversation be a learning experience for your children. There are many topics to choose but one should first start with their place in society. One may be influencing a future leader.

Learning in Motion

Extra Learning Resources

Civic Responsibility – A Paper

National Traffic Safety Institute

World Learning Education

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and share with your friends and family . Use my ‘Ask a Question‘ form if you have a request on a topic of interest, a guest post, or to say Hello! I hope you visit again.

AIC| An informal Cornr all rights reserved. Ginsense creates and posts articles online about business development, micro business, health, science, technology and advocates on social issues.


Why find Poverty in Canada?

why find PovertyThe economy of one’s nation depends on the decision and flow, of what types of goods and services to offer, how they are created, and who is the market.

Economic problems are faced by many societies around the globe but even the ‘wealthier’ nations face poverty. We see or hear people tumbling from high salary jobs to work in minimum wage positions, or none. So, why find Poverty in Canada?

Exploring Government Policies

 The exploration begins with examining government policies and business. Consumer sovereignty refers to how price movements provide signals for profiting off goods. Low or falling price goods are limited and high or rising price goods, are increased.  Almost sounds like ‘money gouging‘ of the people, yes?

hi buy = hi price = profits

It’s believed that the pursuit of one’s own interests will serve the interests of all. This only serves those who can afford the higher price goods and leaves a number behind, unable to purchase these same goods. An inequality and gap is created and political conservatives believe that the poor create their own plight.

Poverty is defined as ‘the condition of not having enough income to maintain a standard of living regarded as normal in a community‘ (Gage Canadian dictionary). As we know, income refers to the amount of money one receives.

Employment Policy and Unemployment

People exchange their labor and skills for pay which once disrupted, can bring huge changes to self and family’s over all, change their quality of living standards, regardless of education and skills. Take a pause and ask, who truly benefits with this action?


The employment policy in Canada relies on their fiscal, monetary and trade policies. When the government spends less than it receives this causes economic activity to decline.  Unfortunately, lowering the national debt also becomes a main concern, that must also be resolved. Definitions of these policies are as follows:

    • Monetary policies, refers to altering the nation’s level of interest rates and money supply. Low interest rates is used to encourage business investments, economic growth and an increase in money supply makes loans easier to obtain.

    • Fiscal policies refers to how government uses their powers of taxation, spending and borrowing to stimulate or dampen the nation’s economy.

    • Trade policy, used by federal and provincial government, they promote Canadian exports with the goals of job creation and increased income.

    • Employment policy is the use of all the above policies but includes tools such as incentives in tax investments, capital gains exemptions and government grants for retraining.

The management of these policies and tools available to the government will indicate their creativity or lack of, to move or limit the nation’s economic activity. Whatever goes on at the top trickles down, so if there’s help for business owners to operate, train and prosper, jobs can get created and/or maintained. Still, there’s also zero consequences when businesses spend those monies elsewhere (i.e., CEO bonus’s)

only good govt helps builds jobs

Today, Canada ‘s government has implemented corporate tax cuts that have gone from 21% (2006) to 15% (2012) and jobs continue to be outsourced. How does this help build employment for Canadians? Well, the Conservative government states benefits will occur, about ten years later. Job growth in Canada was in reality, less, due to  job growth in other nations.

Follow the Government $$ Cuts

Corporations are benefiting with record tax savings AND pulling the Canadian employment growth down. (Behind the Numbers, 2011 (PDF), by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives). Further funding cuts to ‘balance the budget‘ were FROM various social programs that had helped towards building and/or improving Canadians quality living standards. This practice has monies going from the people to the government.

Poverty can be found at various levels in society. A few factors that contribute to poverty can be on those that live in remote areas with little or low job opportunities, low natural resources/agriculture potential, and politically disadvantaged groups.

Unfortunately, Canada has a huge land mass with scattered communities not receiving and/or accessing equal services, compared to the larger urban cities. It’s difficult to cheer on the Canadian government participating in reducing global poverty, when Canadian citizens are living in poverty.


The holidays arrive and pass, days blur one into the other and survival is the priority of the day. While politicians sit home in security and comfort, ready for the holidays, many Canadians in poverty, are walking along, shivering in the cold, seeking their next shelter for the night. A parent stands in line at the local food bank, youths think about crime vs jail, children depending on their parents.

The experience, levels and journeys of poverty may be new for one yet a constant companion for others. Maybe, the next election will bring a new government and change the status, maybe a more Humane government will step up.

Canadians Wealth Gap

For now, those in poverty today ; food, shelter and safety are their priorities. How did the ancient Mayans manage to feed and house their WHOLE population (1491-New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus)? Do you help those living in poverty? What do you think can help bring change? Let us know!

Extra Learning

Free Cycle

Campaign 2000| End Child and Family Poverty in Canada

 Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

 PovNet – Building an Online Anti-Poverty Community

Learning in Motion

I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and share your own observations or experiences. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form on a topic of your own interest. It is FREE to subscribe by email or RSS feed.

AIC|An Informal Cornr, all rights reserved. Ginsense writes articles on business skills, development, health, science, technology, society and enjoys advocating for independence, security and a better world for all of us.


Heart Lesson – Torsades de Pointes

heart issues torsades de pointes
heart waves arrythmia

A healthy heart as we know is a pump that delivers oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood for our bodies to survive.

Our hearts can contract up to 2.5 billion times during a person’s average life. We recognize the heart as one of the most major organs since without it, there’s no life.

Unfortunately, one can be born or acquire ailments that affect our heart, such as ‘Torsades de Pointes‘.

 Learning Heart Arrhythmia

Torsades de pointes refers to a dangerous arrhythmia of the heart. It’s usually not diagnosed or treated correctly, and still a somewhat, difficult condition to identify. Arrhythmias are viewed as a disorder in the normal rhythm and rate of the heartbeat.

Studies have revealed common characteristics of this condition for improved care and treatment depending on which variation exists. These variations refer to congenital or acquired torsades.

Types of Torsades + Heart Rates

Inherited Torsades is due to an inability for ‘ion channels‘ to correctly carry the electrical action/impulse of the heart and acquired version refers to drugs triggering Torsades due to ‘blocking‘ these ion currents. Ion channels describes the flow and rate of electrolytes, sodium and potassium in the heart.

Torsades in action has the heart in a state of ‘polymorphic ventricular tachycardia’. This refers to the heart rate increasing to 150 beats per minute (bpm) and up to 250 bpm. A normal heart rate is anywhere from 60 to 100 bpm.

Athletes can have lower heart rates than 60 bmp. This abnormal heart rate will ‘spontaneously‘ return to a normal beat but can recur and/or progress into ‘ventricular fibrillation ‘(VF) symptoms which can lead to death, if it persists. It is this ‘return to normal‘ action that has made identifying Torsades difficult.

LQTS heart beat wave patterns
LQTS heart beat wave patterns

Onset Signs and Symptoms

Medical research and studies have shown that people with Torsades have their beginnings with ‘fainting‘ due to a drop in blood pressure causing dizziness . Use of an electrocardiogram (ECG) have revealed a ‘long QT interval’ and another term, ‘Long QT Syndrome‘ (LQTS).

A recording of the heart rate may not reveal Torsades in action but definitely that ‘long QT’ or ‘short variant‘ characteristics of Torsades, help provide clues for physicians and health care professionals.

An ECG showing Torsades in action displays an illusion of a swirled rotation (like a ballet dancers’ pirhouette hence it’s name Pointes) on it’s electrical axis, a long and short RR – interval precedes the arrhythmia and follows a premature ventricular contraction (R-on-T PVC). Other symptoms reported are palpitations, rapid pulse, nausea, cold sweats, lightheadedness (short episode) and outright fainting.

Where Torsades gets Found

Torsades is usually found in people that are malnourished, chronic alcoholics, or with hypokalemia (abnormally low potassium), diarrhea, and/or hypomagnesemia (abnormally low magnesium), heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy (enlarged left ventricle), bradycardia (slow heart rate), hypothermia and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

It is these symptoms and existing disorders that are critical for a physician or health care team to be aware and identify quickly especially before giving medications, known to trigger Torsades.

Torsades can be found in many age groups. When identified in children, it is congenital and may accompany disorders such as Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome, Romano-Ward syndrome and triggered by effects of stress, fear or physical exertion (usually prohibited from competitive sports), whearas in adult years, it is considered acquired.

Treatment and Outcomes

Electrolyte disorders are usually the cause of acquired Torsades and treatable with correcting the imbalance and/or removal of triggering medications.

Treatment for Torsades is available and it’s known there are six different variants of Torsades. Effective treatment will depend on identifying the specific ‘genotype‘ which identifies whether it’s  sodium or potassium channels that are affected.

A family physician may refer their client to a cardiologist, electrophysiologist, or geneticist. Again, failure to identify Torsades has been due to it’s ‘return to normal’ activities and complications of persistent ‘ventricular fibrillations‘ that arise.

Continuous Medical Research

 The existence of Torsades has been known for a few years, and further studies at the molecular and cellular levels have provided leaps forward in better care and treatment. The ‘prevalence‘ of Torsades in the general population is an unknown. Could this be a cause of death for the homeless, mentally or medically challenged people, that have occurred when getting tasered by police?

Learning in Motion

Further Learning Resources

 Drugs with Risk of Torsades de Pointes

 My Majors

 Living with Heart Rhythms

 I hope you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave your comments and Share your friends and family. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ form and Send me request on a topic of interest you have, or to say hello.

 All rights reserved by AIC|An Informal Cornr. Ginsense creates and posts articles about business development, micro business, health, science, technology and society.
